October 2016 Hatch-A-Long!!

What is up with its foot? You can straighten out toes by making a little shoe of tape and cardboard.
mine was muscle weakness i am sure. Tried to put it in a chick cup, but the stubborn little chick wiggled out of it. Settled for force-drinking save-a-chick to it whenever I came by the brooder. The little think is tenacious for sure. (I'm gonna MAKE IT!!!!)
mine was muscle weakness i am sure. Tried to put it in a chick cup, but the stubborn little chick wiggled out of it. Settled for force-drinking save-a-chick to it whenever I came by the brooder. The little think is tenacious for sure. (I'm gonna MAKE IT!!!!)
I really hope that your tenacious chick pulls through! I am not sure about my little black silkie, Oberon.

Here are my first and last chick side by side, for comparison. On hatch day, they were the same size! Miranda, the silvery-white chick, was the first out and is always first to the food. Oberon came from an egg with a saddle-shaped air cell, and had a tough time getting out.

-He was making strange clicking noises from his beak/throat when he emerged, and seemed dizzy. After the first few hours, he started chirping loudly, non-stop for days.
-He had one leg spraddled out, which has been taped and is straightening.
-I have never seen him eat or drink on his own. I have gotten him to drink by dipping his beak, but he just does not want to eat.
-He is not growing at all. He seems weak, poor thing.
- He can stand and stumble. The other chicks ignore him.

I don't know if he will make it. I have tried vitamins, hard boiled egg and yoghurt. Holding him does not seem to make him any happier.

Got a zipper started on my AC eggs with another pipping.
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The frail little silkie is one week old, the same age as the big, healthy chick.

Poor little fellow, he is such a gentleman... he always stands when I come into the room, no matter how tired he is. The only thing I can get him to swallow is fortified water.  I don't see how he will make it if he won't eat. 

Ahh, sorry to hear about your chick. I have had that happen a few times, that a chick just does not thrive. I imagine there was something wrong from the beginning and yet they are able to hold on for awhile. Little sweetie :love

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