October 2016 Hatch-A-Long!!

I unplugged the bator with 4 unzipped eggs. I believe they were malpositioned. One zipped and died from ruptured yolk sac. Another pipped externally. It was malpositioned and missed the aircell. I assisted the hatch on day 22. Yolk was absorbed, but it is not doing well. It laid in the Bator for 7 hours, having occasional muscle spasms. It couldn't hold its head up, and one leg is not working right. We are giving sugar water and TLC. So out of 18 eggs, 12 healthy chicks, one sick, one freak accident death during hatch.

It's still a successful hatch in my books. 65%.
I finally have my very first chick from my flock!! She's a light/grey graham bantam mix. This is my 3rd hatch but first of my personal eggs.

Huge feet! One toe looks gimped. But overall she looks healthy and drying nicely. :)

I finally have my very first chick from my flock!! She's a light/grey graham bantam mix. This is my 3rd hatch but first of my personal eggs.

Huge feet! One toe looks gimped. But overall she looks healthy and drying nicely. :)


So exciting I hope to be able to hatch from my flock eventually only shipped eggs for now congrats !!
Thank you!!

Looks like her outer toe on right foot is limp :( Hopefully she can learn to compensate.

By the way, she has the most adorable chirp. It's almost like a purr sometimes.

Thank you!!

Looks like her outer toe on right foot is limp :( Hopefully she can learn to compensate.

By the way, she has the most adorable chirp. It's almost like a purr sometimes.


So cute! Hopefully her toes will straighten out when she starts walking.

Last month I hatched a Silkie with curled up toes and it is still wearing shoes... Toughest toe situation I have ever had!

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