October 2016 Hatch-A-Long!!

I have made all my own incubators, styrofoam coolers and a cabinet.



Love that cabinet!!!

What is up with its foot? You can straighten out toes by making a little shoe of tape and cardboard.

I must try this!

So cute! Hopefully her toes will straighten out when she starts walking.

Last month I hatched a Silkie with curled up toes and it is still wearing shoes... Toughest toe situation I have ever had!

Could I see a pic? I'm not quite sure I'm picturing how to do it.
Ahh, sorry to hear about your chick. I have had that happen a few times, that a chick just does not thrive. I imagine there was something wrong from the beginning and yet they are able to hold on for awhile. Little sweetie
The tiny chick just held on for a week, and then died last night. Thank you for your wisdom and perspective. There was clearly something wrong from the beginning. Some chicks just can't pull through. All the others are healthy and strong, so I give thanks for that.

Today, one of my students burst into tears on the way from class to library, and she had to come back to the empty classroom with me to cry. Her aunt died a few days ago, and she had a chick die this morning. I was able to talk with her about her chick that didn't make it, and about my chick that didn't make it. She understood that I understood. We talked for half an hour about her chickens - Australorps, Barred Rocks, and a Phoenix rooster - and she was smiling again by the time the other kids came back.
The October hatchlings at one week old: four cute silkies of indeterminate color. I love the look of the silvery-blue one with the black accents! The silvery-white chick now has some black feathering in the wings. Silkies are full of surprises! Good luck with your hatches, all.

Must have one! Got directions for the cabinet bator someplace?

I don't use plans to build anything, I just wing it!

I used a big box that was actually a shelf and made a door for it. It just has one 100watt bulb, a thermostat (temperature controller) from eBay and two large computer fans. The top three shelves are on an arm and can be moved up and down to turn the eggs. I never bought the plastic trays I need to turn the eggs that way so I just hand turn them.

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