October 2016 Hatch-A-Long!!

Your eggs are so pretty : )
The dark eggs come from my own Black Copper Marans, but the others are Cream Legbar, Isbar, and Silkie eggs that I ordered. I had free space in the incubator after filling it with shipped eggs, so I tossed in the BCM as fillers
I ordered bcm and they were not that dark!! Beautiful!

Sometimes I think (from what I have read) depends on a what part of their laying cycle they are in the eggs get lighter the longer they have been laying w/o a break...?


I think they need the bigger feeder lol 18/20 an one more that might still make holy chickens!!!!
I am sad to say that this hatch has not been going well at the school. Not sure what went wrong yet but we are on day 23 and only one chick pipped yesterday and after 24 hours I helped it because it had unziped partially and then stopped moving.... I removed the air cell part of the shell and saw that the inner membrane was very sticky and stuck to the chick and I got the chicks head out and put a damp paper towel on him and put him back in the incubator. Today is Friday so we may take him home to baby him if he is still alive at the end of the day. Any prayer for the little guy is appreciated.
I candled on day 16 and everything looked great going into lockdown with 12/13 chicks looking far enough along and then when I candled on day 21 after no movement or pips it looked like all but 4 had died. :( Im a senior and there is a young 7th grader who has been so excited for this and he helped me keep track of the humidity and temps and he kept asking me about the chicks hatching and counted down the days to hatch and now I feel like I let the poor kid down :(

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