Got my fingers crossed for them.
What are your broodies? Splash right? Splash what? I'm in love lol

They are Splash bantam Orpingtons. I have a black bantam Orp as well. They are SO sweet and pretty. They seem to have a tendency to go broody too, if you are looking for that. I can't say enough good things about them. :)
Honora, that's awesome! I have two broody Silkie hens sharing just like yours are. Their babies are due to hatch next Friday! I'm so excited as this will be their first time. I was nervous about having two hens share the broody duties....they like to trade eggs every once in a while. But they have been sitting on the 7 eggs without fail. Your photo gives me hope!
This was the first time for my broodies, too. They are only 6 months old! They were sharing the eggs, too.

We kept having to take one or other of them off to treat them for mites, so it was really great to have the other one there to sit on the eggs while we took care of one of the moms.

They are really calm and easygoing, too. They let us pet the chicks with no problem. Right now they are in a separate broody coop but I hope they will do a good job protecting their chicks from the big hens when the time comes.

Good luck with your two broodies; hope it works out great for you too! What eggs are you hatching?
One of my Sept chicks is hurt. It looks like it dislocated its leg. Is that even possible? And does anyone know what I can do?
One of my Sept chicks is hurt. It looks like it dislocated its leg. Is that even possible? And does anyone know what I can do?

I have no idea but I would ask in the baby chicks forum or the emergencies/ diseases/ injuries forum. There are a lot of really knowledgeable people there. Good luck, hope your chick is better soon.

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