Ended Official BYC Contest - Chicken and Egg Recipes - Win a BYC Cookbook!

Well, if anything, I'm getting a bunch of good recipes from this thread... Even though it's taking what seems like FOR EV ER to get one :lau

I shouldn't talk. I still haven't put in a second one... I'm not creative. I just throw stuff in a pan and cook it lol :p

Need ideas....
Many good recipes were born when someone threw something in a pan and cooked it

Keep the entries coming you all!
Many good recipes were born when someone threw something in a pan and cooked it :)

Keep the entries coming you all! 

True.... Most people write this stuff down though lol...

I accidentally make something that turns out really good, then I try to make it again but I can't remember what I put in it :hit

Then if I DO write it down, I lose it. Yep. Story of my life :lau
I think this contest should win a prize of it's own for being the longest running contest in BYC history, lol. It's been running since Aug. 2015 and not enough entries yet?

That cookbook prize is going to be out of print before this thing winds down.

I think this contest should win a prize of it's own for being the longest running contest in BYC history, lol. It's been running since Aug. 2015 and not enough entries yet?

That cookbook prize is going to be out of print before this thing winds down.

Hey, I'm trying! lol

We may end it just in time for the next edition?!?

And I still have not made anything. I'm the worst procrastinator on the planet.
Well, stop procrastinating and make something!
I'd love to wrap this contest up, but we need a few more entries.

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