Ended Official BYC Coop Article Contest - 2017 - Win a Auto Coop Door Kit!

We started with needs of our chicks. Keep them safe (hawks and owls) while allowing them range as needed.

To match scalability and the modest surroundings of our "Arts and Crafts" home and neighborhood, we designed and crafted to compliment our home with matching roof pitch and fence.

To assist in maintenance, we placed the house on wheels to maximize mobility for easy cleaning.

The coop fence and convertible fence top is easily removed (hinge and pin assembly) to assist in access and portability.

For egg harvesting, we opted for hinged roofs and slide (red) access points on three sides for brooder boxes.

As we live in a moderate to hot climate of SoCal, ventilation is important with extreme sunshine and heat.

For hydration, we opted for a built-in pvc plumbed nipple system that connects to our automatic sprinklers to meet the demands of our seasons and, of course, our ladies. For hot days, an automatic misting system turns on when temps exceed 89f degrees.

For food, we've opted for a pvc tube laying mash feeding station that feeds the crew for up to a week between refills.

We've enclosed all acces points with a reinforced, light duty tight mesh to minimize vermin and rodent.


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@kdarney welcome to BYC! You need to create a page (article) of your coop build to enter the contest. Please see the first post of this thread and also my post above about the required post counts/activity :)
To create a article, click up top where I marked it.

There on the right side, up top, is "create article" click it! Then create it!
THE CONTEST rules didn't say we could enter if we used a DIY KIT and assembled it ourselves. Do only coops made from scratch qualify to enter the coop contest? Thanks so much! :)

You can definitely enter a DIY KIT coop into the contest. The goal of this contest is to get a ton of coop pages with as much info and as many pics of all-kinds of coops as possible... and that includes kits!

Our recycled swingset chicken coop and run!
Boy, that took a long time to write, but it was a reminder of how much went into preparing the home for our 6 Mother Cluckers.

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The ChickenGuard automatic chicken coop door opener automatically opens your chicken coop door in the morning and closes it at night. It protects your chickens from foxes and other predators and saves you the bother of getting up at the crack of dawn or trudging out on dark and stormy nights. Over 40,000 users worldwide trust ChickenGuard to protect “their girls.”
View attachment 1075732
Visit ChickenGuardian Here!

Get those digital cameras out and scan those plans you wrote on the back of your chick starter receipt. Throw them together with a great write up and you could be a winner! (Okay... everyone on BYC is a winner... You'd just be a super-coop article contest winner!)

Contest Details:
This is a contest to see who can create the best coop/run article for BYC. We define the "best article" to mean pages with the most information, pictures, plans, details, etc. that will be very helpful to others who want to build a coop and/or run. We don't care if your coop was made out of recycled pallets and was made in 2 days, or if it was made out of the highest grade materials, took 5 months, and is a scale model of the Taj Mahal. We want helpful and informative coop articles!


First Place: The first place winner of the contest will get a FREE ChickenGuard Automatic Coop Door Opener and Door Kit!
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Second Place: (at least 2) will get a $50 Gift Certificate for the BYC Store!
Third Place: (at least 2) will get a $20 Gift Certificate for the BYC Store!

You'll be using the BYC Page & Article Creation Tool to design your pages and creating a page here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/articles/category/coops.12/

Deadline: The deadline will be based on the number of submissions we receive and how quickly we get them. Usually we wait for at least 30 - 40 submissions. Once we get "enough" we'll give everyone at least 1 week notice before the contest ends so they can put final touches on their submissions.

Things to include in your page:

  1. Start with a finished coop/run picture at the top of your page
  2. Have a write-up of how you built your coop/run. Include any information you think would be helpful to other people who may want to build something similar. If you are unsure how to create a page, see our Coop pages and member pages tutorial here.
  3. If you have them, include designs & plans you used to build your coop/run.
  4. Pictures of your coop/run as it was being constructed.
  5. Finished pictures of your coop/run.
  6. A list of things you want to change or add to your coop/run.
  7. Additional information about what you learned, what you'd do differently the next time, and any other tips for potential coop builders.
To increase your chances of winning the contest, make sure it has as many of the elements above in as much detail as possible! Here are some additional hints to help you win the contest:

1. Follow the format of some of the existing chicken coops.
2. The more details and pictures the better!
3. Plans plans plans. Very few coop designs have plans available. If you post plans (rough or detailed) of your coop you'll get bonus points for sure!
4. Pictures - We all love lots of big beautiful and helpful pictures!
5. Remember, this is a contest for the most helpful coop build page and not the best looking coop.

IMPORTANT RULE: ALL pictures MUST be uploaded to BYC and not hosted on other sites like Photobucket, personal websites, etc.

  1. Navigate to the "coop designs" section of the site.
  2. Click on the View attachment 1075544button
  3. Select a "Category" coop size that best matches your coop's size.
  4. Create a very helpful article with lots of pictures and information.
  5. Reply to this thread with a link to your coop page you created.
  6. Have Fun!
NOTE: If you're one of those modest types and want to add your coop to the site but don't want to enter the contest, that is fine. We'd still love to have your pictures posted as a BYC article!

We look forward to seeing your coop pages, pictures, and information!!

For inspiration, here are some previous Coop Article contest winners:


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