Ended Official BYC Mini Contest #10 - Creative Eggs & Eggshells Contest

I plan to, but haven't gotten around to it yet. After seeing that embroidery post, I think I might try that instead of painting on them!!

You are a brave person! I hope you try it, I'd like to see what you come up with.
I f i had some pretty dark marans eggs i would like to try etching, but i have no eggs lol

maybe @daxigait or @Fire Ant Farm have ideas/entries too
I bought the dremel tool for delicate carving, and tried on a few duck eggs, but wasn't very successful. I need to try again. I think it will be easy enough to use, to make the holes for the embroidery eggs though.
Remember, if you plan to enter...

We will be accepting entries until Sunday the 11th of December
I was going to post last night and I didn't even know what to say...so many talented people and SO many beautiful works of art in so many forms!!

AMAZING! I'm loving seeing everything!!!
I was going to post last night and I didn't even know what to say...so many talented people and SO many beautiful works of art in so many forms!!

AMAZING! I'm loving seeing everything!!!

That's the best thing about these contests...so many talented people who are willing to share what they do. Something comes along every contest that is simply awesome!
I f i had some pretty dark marans eggs i would like to try etching, but i have no eggs lol

maybe @daxigait or @Fire Ant Farm have ideas/entries too
I bought the dremel tool for delicate carving, and tried on a few duck eggs, but wasn't very successful. I need to try again. I think it will be easy enough to use, to make the holes for the embroidery eggs though.
That's what I "was" going to do. "Was" is the key word there...

I bought an engraver and a dremel tool to carve eggs. The engraver was much more precise.
My broken egg picture is what happened when I used the dremel. (Knock off version)
on the embroidery eggs and drilling that!

I think for carving/etching one almost requires precision equipment like the sc carver or a dentist tool.
I don't think I can afford those at the moment.

I'm going to stick with what I know best....nail art.

Hopefully I'll get something done soon.
I TOTALLY agree!!
I didn't even know some of this art existed. Amazing
I've learned SO much and it's opened up whole new worlds of ideas!

In researching I even found new techniques for nail art with the painting.
(You tube takes a person on a wild ride)

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