Ended Official BYC Mini-contest - Tell us your funniest chicken story and win!

Seeing the German Shepard with the little pullet reminded me of a story from the past when I had my first flock of chickens.

Two of my favorites were a pair of little bantams. Big Red and Maxine were given to me by a school friend who couldn't keep them anymore. Red was a little Buff Cochin Roo and Maxy was a little feather legged mix breed who always seemed to have a bunch of chicks to brood and raise.

One morning my mother (I was in my teens, back before arthritis and grey hair happened)suggested that I let the flock out in the yard to scratch around since our German Shepard was in the house. I let them out and as per normal, Red came out first, strutting and clucking big time as he lead Maxy and her chicks out of the coop. In order to get to the choice scratchin and peckin ground, which was the garden area, they had to cross the area where our dog was tied out when he was outside.

I can still remember Red, still vocalizing loudly, leading his little family up to the danger zone. The hen and chicks waited patiently as he marched around obviously looking to see if 'Topper' was outside and posed a danger to them. Finally deciding that all was clear, he chattered to Maxy and strutted back to stand behind them as Maxy lead her chicks across the dog's territory.

Once Maxy and her chicks were safe, Red stopped his chattering and followed them.

My mother had been watching from the porch and cracked up laughing. "Typical male!" I remember her saying, "He made sure all was clear but just in case it wasn't, he sent the women and children out first!"

The other chickens had just avoided our Dog's territory, but not Big Red.

I miss that little bird. He could always make me laugh. What is that old saying? Diamonds and Dynamite both come in small packages.
My son started out doing the 4-H chick chain project. As we weren't big into chickens at that time, the doodles stayed on my utility room until large enough to move into barn. We had something we had to attend one night so no one was home. Shortly after leaving, we get a call from a neighbor telling us our alarm went off. We rush home and unlock the door. According to the alarm system, the movement sensors had gone off. We looked around the house and found no open doors, windows,critters, or humans. Upon entering the house we noticed the television was on. In front of the television sat one of my son's chicks watching whatever was on.
Apparently, the rascal somehow got out of his box and proceeded to walk thru the house-setting off the motion sensors-so he could watch TV. Only a chicken could cause this much hilarity. That one ended up staying around after the. Project was over. Our neighbor asks if we have anymore television watching chicks.
I moved into a new to me "country home" when my oldest was just shy of 6.

A good friend decided that every 6 year old needs a pet, and a great learning experience would be hatching and raising chickens.

So he shows up on my 6 year old's birthday, with an incubator and 2 dozen eggs.

She diligently turns each egg carefully twice a day for the required time period.

I candle the eggs at the appropriate time interval, to see if indeed they are fertile.

I see nothing!!!

In a panic, I order 2 dozen chicks from a hatchery to arrive the day before the chicks are due to hatch.

I have a plan...

I place the chicks in the incubator with the unhatched eggs for warmth that evening.

My daughter wakes me up the next morning screaming with excitement!

She wants an explanation as to how we hatched 40 chicks from just 24 eggs!!

Ha Ha Ha!
Thank you everyone for sharing your wonderful stories! Some of these just made my day. I chatted with @Nifty-Chicken and we have decided to extend this contest to the end of this month (31 January) and since we had so many amazing entries already, we decided to double the prizes and are now offering 4 calendars as prizes! So instead of two, we are going to pick 4 winning entries.

Keep those stories coming!
Thank you everyone for sharing your wonderful stories! Some of these just made my day. I chatted with @Nifty-Chicken and we have decided to extend this contest to the end of this month (31 January) and since we had so many amazing entries already, we decided to double the prizes and are now offering 4 calendars as prizes! So instead of two, we are going to pick 4 winning entries.

Keep those stories coming!
Does that mean we can edit what we've submitted? I'd like to add an update to Scout's article but will be happy to wait until the contest ends to do so if that's better.
Your article is still in the running, more than that I can't tell you at the moment. So rather wait until we've got our winners. We are working on the judging at the moment and will hopefully have the results in for you all soon-soon. Things have been a bit slow with Christmas and new year and family time. On hindsight, I should've waited a bit before ending the contest, but I didn't think that far ahead. Sorry everyone!

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