Ended Official BYC Mini-contest - Tell us your funniest chicken story and win!

The other day I stopped at my accountants office to ask him some questions about a roth IRA . everybody in the office knows me and my passed wife. my accountant asked if I was going to Arizona again for the winter.I said no I had added a guest house and had to many females to look after. He had a surprised look on his face and two of the girls in the back room fell off there chairs and then I told them they were chickens. It's a lot of fun but true !
My students and I hatched chicks in our science class. We decided to keep them for the year and have a brought in a mobile coop. We hatched 5 chicks; Nugget, Dare Devil, Tyson, Dipper, and Miss America. Miss America was the the prettiest chick at hatch time but she turned out to be oure only rooster! As we were discussing budgt and money for the feeding of the chicks the studetns came up with the idea of a "Kissing Booth". Donate a $1 and you get to Kiss Miss




This may not be funny to a lot of people, but it sure made a hit in our family. When I retired, I wanted to have some chickens. My wife Carol, did not want any chickens. I told my brothers this and they said they wanted chickens too, but their wive did not. Their wives are Janet and Irene. So I found some chickens at a yard sale and bought three. Rhode Island Reds, which is the kind I wanted. Brought them home and put them in my homemade coop. I named them, Carol, Janet and Irene. They are a part of our family now.
This may not be funny to a lot of people, but it sure made a hit in our family. When I retired, I wanted to have some chickens. My wife Carol, did not want any chickens. I told my brothers this and they said they wanted chickens too, but their wive did not. Their wives are Janet and Irene. So I found some chickens at a yard sale and bought three. Rhode Island Reds, which is the kind I wanted. Brought them home and put them in my homemade coop. I named them, Carol, Janet and Irene. They are a part of our family now.
Thats hilarious!!

Welcome to BYC! We are glad to have you!
I have a little bantam chicken family, mom, dad and youngster that like to hang out up on the deck rather than down in the yard. I gave them a little plastic container of meal worms which the love. The baby likes to climb inside and eat the worms while the parents just pull out the worms and spread them all around making a huge mess for me to clean up. So I had to leave for a few minutes and when I returned I went out to check on the little family and there stood mom and dad looking up at me but I could not find baby anywhere. I was so scared that a hawk had gotten him as I had witnessed a hawk attack on the deck once before. Eventually I notice the plastic container had been flipped over and was moving about. Underneath I found my little one. He had evidently flipped the container over on himself getting trapped and only able to scoot around while dragging the container. At least he was safe from the hawk!

Here is a pic of baby WITHOUT the container:
My cat, Cobo, thinks he's a chicken. Yes, since he came home as a kitten, he's been hanging out with the girls. He "pecks" the ground and eats grass with them, takes dust baths with them, and plays hide and seek with them. One day when I was working in the garden, I turned around to see Cobo walking across the yard with all my girls in a line behind him...they think he's a chicken, too!
Our Rooster, lovingly named Bob by the children, was an accident. Bob was to be a hen. Roosters, as a general rule, find food and protect the flock. Good ole Bob does some of that. One day while free ranging a Coyote got ahold of Bob and we were sure he was gone. Three hours Later, Bob staggered home! We repaired his injuries and put him back with the girls which took about two weeks. Bob has several warning sounds from that day. We will see him on top of the hay hollering..hawk, (maybe) and beside the coop flapping and hollering..don't know, he just does that and our favorite..wait for it....wait for it...RUN LIKE HELL, EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF,! We see Bob taking off like a bat from the cave, and the girls that can keep up are following, the others stare at them necks high in a tight group. Bob, you see, has quite a limp from his experience and runs so funny it is a sight! One day we were looking out the window there went limping Bob and two hens fast as can be toward the road squawking, feathers and wings flapping.. saw some tired stragglers left behind, and left behind a coyote in the horse turn out being chased by a mini horse! Don't think that coyote came back that way for a long time! Who knew a mini horse and a ole limping damaged rooster could rob him of dinner!!
We have a chicken named Ellie who loves my husband and follows him everywhere. One day as he crawled under the truck to change the oil, of course Ellie had to follow him. There she was under the truck watching what he was doing. I had to laugh as I watched what unfolded. She would tilt her head to the side to see what he was doing, then look down and peck at the tools, then look up at him and start "talking to him". It was like she was supervising him during the oil change! Even funnier was that I could hear my husband talking back to her! I laughed and laughed as this continued until the oil change was finished. It's funny how chickens can make the most mundane tasks hilarious.
At Thanksgiving, I had baked our chickens some cornbread. I had taken out the thing of cornbread and then set it down on the grass. The chickens ran over. I had cut it before taking it out, into various sized pieces. Anyways, our silkie grabbed the largest piece. Her feathers were covering almost all of her eyes, and the cornbread must of been covering the rest of her eyes, because when lots of the chickens went running after her, she sped off and ran (Lightly) into a tree! Luckily, she was only dazed and not hurt.

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