Official BYC Poll: What Factors Affect Your Chicken Feed Buying Decisions?

What Factors Affect Your Chicken Feed Buying Decisions?

  • Lowest price

    Votes: 84 36.8%
  • Non-GMO

    Votes: 58 25.4%
  • Organic

    Votes: 61 26.8%
  • Soy-free

    Votes: 28 12.3%
  • Wheat-free

    Votes: 2 0.9%
  • Corn-free

    Votes: 24 10.5%
  • Medicated

    Votes: 14 6.1%
  • Unmedicated

    Votes: 85 37.3%
  • Vitamin & mineral concentrations

    Votes: 55 24.1%
  • Vitamin & mineral varieties

    Votes: 25 11.0%
  • Added insects

    Votes: 8 3.5%
  • Added enzymes & probiotics

    Votes: 32 14.0%
  • Protein / fat / fiber content

    Votes: 132 57.9%
  • Brand name

    Votes: 37 16.2%
  • Other (elaborate in a reply below)

    Votes: 39 17.1%

  • Total voters

BYC Project Manager

BYC Staff
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
15 Years
Feb 22, 2009
Feeding the flock is hands down the most important part of raising and keeping poultry, And choosing which feed to buy for your birds can be a complex process with many variables. There are so many choices involved in feeding your flock and it can be difficult to decide what to feed them. In this poll we would like to find out: What Factors Affect Your Chicken Feed Buying Decisions?

Please place your vote above (select up to 5 options), and elaborate in a reply below if you chose "Other".

What Factors Affect Your Chicken Feed Buying Decisions.png

Further Reading:

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I buy the most favorable combination of low-price, 18+% protein, and freshness.

I do not care if it's pellets or crumble except with young chicks. One of my feeders feeds the pellets more easily. The other feeds the crumble more easily. The chickens eat what I put in the feeder.

I've only raised a couple batches of chicks, but I used one bag of medicated feed then swapped them to unmedicated based on the advice of people here whose experience I respect.
I don't want to feed my flock unknowns, and I don't know what's in homogenized pellets (the ingredients list is only indicative). So I feed them things I can identify, like whole grains, peas and mealworms, and try to provide the best foraging environment that I can, so they can help themselves to what grows naturally round here. Plus oyster shell separately, and there's quite a lot of old lime mortar round the terrace that they take too.
Regarding lowest price - for my area, that means hitting up the local feed mill, but they changed their formula last time around, where it includes a lot of wheat, less milo, maybe more corn... But the chickens don't seem to eat it as well, after they pick out the wheat, of course! May have to switch things up next time.

For brand name - mainly that means there are brands/formulas I avoid, no matter what the price is - Dumor for stinky poops, most Purina for too much molasses, most Kalmbach for anise & other stinky spices/oils.

For other - chicken's preference, or at least what I *think* they like :) It makes me happy when I can find a feed that my animals will eat with enthusiasm.
When we first started the hobby I went with cheapest but decent quality I could buy just to see if I could keep them alive. So my first brand was dumor from TSC. I later found out that in my part of the country it's made by purina. So I started looking at their stuff. It was about the same price so it didn't matter but purina advertised more on their bags. We have a local mill by the name of poulin grain that makes feed and I looked into them and many ppl from what I understand swear by them. But my neighbor swears by nutrena. Yes nutrena is a world wide company, but as I was talking to my local feed store(literally around the corner from me). He said he liked poulin grain and they were great. But nutrena had more in their feed than poulin. I must note that at that time both brands were the same exact price per bag. So he also highly recommended nutrena. But he also noted that nutrena had two mills in the neighboring state(20 minutes away by car) of Vermont. One mill was for horse feed which is closer to me. Then one that's chicken feed which is in southern VT which then gets sent to Albany, NY area to his distributor then to him...very short turn around as far as delivery goes.

So I know the feed is fresh and it's a quality product which the birds are eating it right up. I've noticed a significant difference of feed on the ground now compared to dumor. The bird look better and seem more active in a way but not always searching for food(like they're missing something in their feed). They still scratch around like chickens do...but not as intensely as before. Plus I like nutrenas plaid perks program! Buy any nutrena food, take a picture of the receipt and upload it and gain points towards giveaways, merchandise or coupons for another purchase!

I'm also not going through feed as fast as before and we have more birds than we did when we used dumor!

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