Official BYC Poll: Why Do You Have Chickens - Select All That Apply

I raise chickens for (you can choose more than one):

  • Pets

    Votes: 1,736 71.6%
  • Eggs

    Votes: 2,258 93.1%
  • Meat

    Votes: 640 26.4%
  • Fertilizer

    Votes: 924 38.1%
  • Bug Control

    Votes: 1,018 42.0%
  • More interesting and/or easy than other animals

    Votes: 642 26.5%
  • Other (please specify in reply comments)

    Votes: 257 10.6%
  • Showing & Exhibition

    Votes: 219 9.0%

  • Total voters
Our ladies are so entertaining. Each has her own personality. One likes to be petted, her name is Martha. Betty, our sussex is only interested in eating.
Hazel, Flopsy and Bertha have their own little click. Snow and Pepper hang together to get bugs before anyone else does. and BigBoy takes it all in waiting to chose his next date!!!
I chose "other" as one of my votes, for two reasons: Some of my chickens are a rare breed that I want to help conserve, and; My chickens are literally a form of antidepressant for me. I refer to them as my therapy chickens
I just got 2 Buff Orpingtons and in 3 days they come when I call them and jump in my arms.They are sitting in a big dog crate by my kitchen table watching TV.
My Great Danes are indifferent to them.They eat out of my hand and sit in my lap.
Memories of our youth brought us back to chickens. We like eggs, having them as pets, fertilizer, bug control, and all the other things too. However, my wife and I remember chickens we each had with our families growing up. It really is reconnecting us with memories of our grandparents and parents while passing on great new memories for our children too. It is a family event to give them snacks and take care of them. It teaches the children to care for animals and how to grown food in the future. Also, they are just so darn fun to watch chasing a bug accross the backyard or playing keep away with an oversized berry.
Late last summer I was cleaning out my hosta along side my house and I noticed movement under neath.. When I pulled it back I saw a hen and 6 baby chicks that had hatched right there.. Didn't know where they came from or what to do with then so I just built a coop and bought some feed and kept them.. Now i'm obsessed with then..
Awwwww. So ideal for you!!! On the other hand, I bet some neighbor within a few miles is missing a hen that didn't come back to roost and assumed something got it!!!! We will just say she Adopted YOU!!! lol

Wow a good start to a flock too. And since was mommie no fights.... Did you end up with a roo? Maybe I will move some of my Hosta to thier run... Been trying to decide what to plant in the protected run for them.
I keep chickens, for well.... the eggs, the pets, the bug control, and for the Humor and there personality. They also add some color to the yard.
It all started with fresh eggs.... now it is a wonderful hobby that my dh would say is almost bordering on obsession. Coops and runs, babies hatching, planning and breeding, extra veggies planted in the garden for the chickies, oh, but it all started with eggs.....

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