Official BYC Poll: Why Do You Have Chickens - Select All That Apply

I raise chickens for (you can choose more than one):

  • Pets

    Votes: 1,736 71.6%
  • Eggs

    Votes: 2,258 93.1%
  • Meat

    Votes: 640 26.4%
  • Fertilizer

    Votes: 924 38.1%
  • Bug Control

    Votes: 1,018 42.0%
  • More interesting and/or easy than other animals

    Votes: 642 26.5%
  • Other (please specify in reply comments)

    Votes: 257 10.6%
  • Showing & Exhibition

    Votes: 219 9.0%

  • Total voters
We just enjoy having them. We really enjoy them. Of course, the eggs are wonderful. When we first got this large flock (26) my husband wondered what we were going to do with all the eggs. I have become known as the Egg Lady and if I don't watch it I will run short for us.
Primarily we got our bantams for the eggs but then we rescued 6 ex bats and it became more than that. My husband has multiple sclerosis and rarely went into the garden or took an interest in pets but since we got the hens he spends almost all day out there with them. I have genuinely seen a change in him since getting them and the added bonus is eggs they so generously give us.
Other reasons I have chickens

1. It makes weeding my garden a MUCH happier thing

2. They eat all of the food I burn or the kids don't like (or I don't like), and are always SUPER grateful!!! (Just can't tell you how much that means to me!)

3. They remind me of my grandmother, now dead, that I still miss very much, that I used to raise chickens with
I just love my chickens..They are the best pets. I am a gardener in addition to keeping many different types of pets. My chickens winter in my green house happy as can be keeping bugs and bad stuff out.

I forgot!

Other reason

4. They clean up all weeds, and perfectly till my garden in the spring, and clean it up again in the fall (I hated tilling my garden in the spring)
I am by no means a survivalist, but because of that, I think chickens are a brain dead means to sustainability. Between meat and eggs, they provide exceptional quality protein. They are also relatively easy to raise, can be prolific and their genetics allow for inbreeding among a limited population. Finally, they are amusing and in limited cases, quite affectionate towards humans. I can't compare with a dog, but I used to think only mammals could love humans. Chickens are far more loving than ferrets!
I'm raising chickens because I find them relaxing and funny. I don't care for dogs and my spouse doesn't like cats, we moved to this neighborhood that has free ranging birds and a small flock that roost in our trees have won our attention. They started laying and I started incubating and hatching. We have 4 roosters and 2 hens we adopted from yard and also 31 chicks ive hatched. They are a joy :)
I clicked 'other' in the list because I think the chickens are just plain FUN!!!!! I also think they are a good learning tool for kids. When I had a larger farm and my kids were small, we had bucket calves that we raised which was a great learning tool for my kids. Now that my space is restricted I have chickens which also give the same learning for my grandchildren as the calves did for my kids.
We are just starting to build a small place for 6 chickens. We will use an existing dog run but the coop will be beyond that structure outside at one end and cutting a part of the chain links for their run to enter the coop. We are retired and living on mainly SS so the funs for this project comes in slow. I am 76. Pegi is an artist in oil painting and I am a potter plus a home brewer of beer and wine. I also brew with only herbs. Looking forward to raising these chickens.
We originally got chickens for the eggs. Soon after discovering I had a talent not only with my furry pets but also with a feathered friend. They are now my babies and I am super guilty for spending too much time with them. Each personality fascinates me and I love them dearly.

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