OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

We've got 1 polish roo, 2 GLW, 2 Dominque, 2 BAs, 3 EE (two ended up as roosters) and now 3 mixed babies. I guess he thinks we are good? :confused:

Maybe it would be okay if they seemed to like him. The Polish tries to act tough and attack him when he goes in the pen. The roo keeps his distance around me. Do roosters generally not like men?

My rooster stays away from us all else my kids get to close then they get flogged . He has been good for a while so he was allowed to stay. But then I have other roosters that are the sweetest thing.
Not me. LOL I drove 2 1/2 hours to get new kids! (Thanks again teal29080) I'm wondering who around had birds for sale. I have such a hard time finding other chicken keepers close to home.

And you are welcome and thank you for taking them.
Like OHFarmerswife said, yes it can be a genetic issue but there can be other causes of it too that may not mean your hen has a genetic defect. Incorrect temperature during incubation (if she wasn't hatched under a broody) is a common cause. I've also read that riboflavin deficiencies in the parent birds can cause toe problems as well as chicks raised on wire may develop this condition.

I have a hen with badly curled toes on both feet- when I got her she was too old to correct it. I did test hatch a couple of her eggs to see if this was genetic and both her offspring have perfect toes. The farmer who gave her to me said she was hatched in a classroom incubator so I suspect temp issues were the problem in her case. Bottom line it isn't always a problem that will pass on but if you're unsure you can always keep her eggs only for eating :)
interesting...one of our Golden Comet (8wk) looks like she has this, never had before nor any of the others. Not sure how this happened or how to fix it.
how are the babies doing??? The funny thing is that my wheatens are trying to climb on me too. Lol

Spoiled! Ha ha ha :ya I said they would be. I go out to the run and ask "where my wheatens at" and I hear their little peeps coming toward me. Everyone else is around looking for goodies but I hear them among the weed cover. I check on everyone at night and they still let me hold them and give some snuggles. The BCM all stick together. They are getting the idea I'm the giver of all goodies. They are all finding their place among my very mixed flock.
Spoiled! Ha ha ha :ya I said they would be. I go out to the run and ask "where my wheatens at" and I hear their little peeps coming toward me. Everyone else is around looking for goodies but I hear them among the weed cover. I check on everyone at night and they still let me hold them and give some snuggles. The BCM all stick together. They are getting the idea I'm the giver of all goodies. They are all finding their place among my very mixed flock.

That's so cute. Guess what? I actually have three more girls. I had a friend tell me how to tell them apart. Go figure, if I only knew. BCM are all roosters and being bullies to my younger ones. They will have to goooooooo! Keep me posted on how they are doing.
That's so cute. Guess what? I actually have three more girls. I had a friend tell me how to tell them apart. Go figure, if I only knew. BCM are all roosters and being bullies to my younger ones. They will have to goooooooo! Keep me posted on how they are doing.

What's the trick? I'm curious. I've done the hold on their back thing...I'm sure that one big one I sent you a pict of is a boy but no crowing yet. No eggs either so....:idunno
What's the trick? I'm curious. I've done the hold on their back thing...I'm sure that one big one I sent you a pict of is a boy but no crowing yet. No eggs either so....:idunno

The lady said on wheatens if thier chest is all cream color then it's a girl. If there is any black spots or blue on its chest it's a boy. As far as eggs, you will have to wait for another 14+/- weeks for them to lay eggs. I can't remember right off hand how old they are. When I get home, i will look for you.

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