OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

Hello! I live in Muskingum county, near the Morgan county line. I've recently purchased 12 New Hampshires. My daughter wanted a duck, and the store required I buy six. :/ So...I have two Mallard, two Cayuga, and two Pekin. The Pekins are a bit mean to the chicks. I would like to rehome hem, but no one is interested so far. Anyone on here?

:welcome: and the OH thread, and the wonderful world of chickens (and ducks!)! Must have been TSC, eh? Buying 6 is supposed to be state law, but TSC is the only feed/farm store I know that enforces it. I'm sure I'm too far away, seeing as I've never even heard of either of those counties LOL, to take them, but good luck finding them a good home. You might try Craigslist if all else fails. They'd probably go like hot cakes on there.
Hello! I live in Muskingum county, near the Morgan county line. I've recently purchased 12 New Hampshires. My daughter wanted a duck, and the store required I buy six.
So...I have two Mallard, two Cayuga, and two Pekin. The Pekins are a bit mean to the chicks. I would like to rehome hem, but no one is interested so far. Anyone on here?
I'm in Highland county. Hope you find a good home for the Pekins!
Stevens21 and Minihorse927~ Good looking chicks!!
I'm going to have to stop looking at chick pics!!!
I'm staying out of TSC! I am feeling very weak!!
I know if I went in there, I would come out with some and DH would NOT be happy!!
Soooo, resisting!
Anyone in western Ohio needing Muscovy hatching eggs? I have two drakes (blue, lavender) over 5 hens(blue bibbed, black bibbed,buff bibbed blue barred and a lavender barred). They are laying like crazy right now. I live in Darke county between Greenville and Richmond In.
TSC in St. Marys has chicks $.99 each. Was very temped to get a few but I refrained. Hubby is happy for that matter. lol! I can wait a few more weeks till I search for guinea.Nice chicks Mini horse n Stevens!!!
Well i got my first jersey giant hens yesterday,i traded 2 barred rock hens and a roo for three jersey hens now i just need to find a rooster..i cant wait to see how big they get
I have 9 new j.g this year. I don't know if any of them are roosters. I have an adult roo I would like to get rid of. I have way to many roo's.
:welcome and the OH thread! And, of course, the wonderful world of chickens! They are addicting little boogers. Pretty soon you'll have a long wish list full of breeds and varieties. :p Lucasville here (Scioto Co./Pike Co. line).
I can't help with the Ams and Wyandottes, unfortunately. Wyandottes you can order from almost any hatchery (unless you want SQ birds) and even find in some feed stores this time of year. Same with EEs, although true Ameraucanas are harder to get ahold of. I believe there's some great breeders here on BYC though. You might want to peruse the Buy/Sell/Trade section. :)

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