OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

Picked up one week old cortunix quail today and 2 bantam mottledcochin that are laying!
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I just finished setting up my web site. Its a prototype. I will soon move it to my own domain, but see what you think. Constructive criticism is welcome. What I cant figure out is how to link to my facebook...


oops, found a typo...chickens wear diapers was typed chickens where diapers.
I think it would look more appealing if the black title box was a bit higher in the photo, so you could see the chicken's heads. Right now it is cutting off two of the chicken's heads.
You have the same paragraph in two places, both under the header photo and also under Eggs. I am assuming that the one under the header is just a place holder and will be replaced by a general informational paragraph.
I'm trying to be picky, as in general it's a nice site.
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Looks fine to me. How many chickens do you have? I am in Ohio and checked with our health dept. as to how many chickens I could have before I had to be regulated and follow state laws for poultry production. I can have uo to 500 chickns before I have to comply with state rule for the sale of eggs and 1,000 birds for meat production before I have to be regulated. That's alot of chickens. Now that we are hatching eggs (first timers) maybe we can sell our extras. If the boys were not in 4 H I would not persue this any farther. I enjoy showing the animals to passer bys and showing the fancy chickens to children. So far all our chickens are gentle and don't chase anyone. I do have to tell kids do not chase the chickens! Just stand still and they will come to you and they do.
All us Ohioians fall under the same rules. You have it correct. Keep in mind, as written, you can have as many chicks as you want, but rule comes into play when egg layers reach maturity, or broilers reach butchering age. I decided to bring in Dept of Ag so I am certified to pack eggs and sell butchered birds outside my property. So long as I meet a City's ordinances to sell there, I can go. I did this so I can legally sell eggs at market. I also got certified so I could sell as a "farm market'. Once I meet sales quota needed I plan to have my property registered as agricultural, and get the exemptions. I won't have to get building permits or play with meeting minimum footage from other structures or properties. Though that is not an issue right now, I'm in a very high tax area, and close to a city that is building developments. Once I get where I want to be, people who complain for the sake of making others miserable will have to go fly kites.

I don't like the idea of having animals and then having government say "oh hey, let's limit this" and then be SOL.

That guy Murphy loves to follow me around. I'm just making it hard for him to make this go wrong.

I also like the " ounce of prevention" motto. Plus, it lets neighbors know my rights in black and white. Their issues won't fall to me, but to FEDERAL laws. Saves me money if anyone tries to make waves.
It also doesn't hurt that I actually enjoy research. I actually sat down and read the Ohio revised code online for everything I think of that might effect my hobby. I might have missed a thing or two, but I'm much better educated on thing now, and I've taken steps to protect my rights.

Now I just wait for Murphy's laws to mess with me :p
Oh. And I've got 60-100 adults depending on predators, natural(and some Darwin unnatural) causes, and selling to people who hit my soft spots. Chicks? Those have a lot more of. Hatching 40 more tonight, and put another batch in a 'Baylor yesterday. It's spring, so about half of each batch I get sells each week. Those that don't sell, I put in its own half of a coop and raise for " started pullets" come summer.

In as much as I have a lot of property developing within a mile of me, to the south by a mile is farm land. A lot of people who just want a few chickens to create breakfast food and provide entertainment and fertilizer.

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