OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

thank you. I'm sorry but we take any roosters and husband said no more for this year.
I read last post and I'm sorry I can't help, I wish I could this year. Our coop isn't done yet & babies are 6wk now, needing to be out full time already.

O sweetie, that's ok. I understand completely. Thank you any how.

I had to share....I'm used to my one girl giving me eggs with a little lump of calcium on. But has anyone ever seen the little micro dots like on the brown egg? I've never had my RIR leave calcium lumps let alone these weird sandy patches.
Wow, been 4 days fighting to get bsck on here. Bug fix by the supportteam, thanks!! Sandy patches and bumps are normal here for my girls after I refill the oyster shell bin. On all my egg colors. My pasty butt issue would not improve with just probiotics been trying them and want it nipped before both flocks get it.
My family, along with our 14 chickens, 2 horses, 7 Nigerian Dwarf Milking goats, 6 Holland Lop bunnies, 2 cats, 2 rats, 1 Collie, 1 conure and 4 children, moved to southern Ohio, Jackson County, 2 years ago from New Hampshire. In the 2 years we have been here, we have llost 2 chickens to dogs and 7 to raccoons, 3 of which we just lost a week ago...We have acquired 4 more cats and 3 more dogs, all dumped at our house.

Our remaining flock is five, 5 year old hens, 3 Cochins; 1 black, 1 blue and 1 blue-black, 1 blue Maran and 1 blue Olive Egger. We recently added to our flock...we have twenty-two 10-12 week old chicks: 2 Isa Browns, 2 Porcelain D'Uccles, 5 Millie Fleur D'Uccles (one of which is a rooster) 5 Birched Cochin Bantams (one of which is a rooster), and 8 Blue Laced Red Wyandottes. We have fourteen 2 week old chicks; 3 Barnevelders, 4 Marans, 7 Buff Brahma Bantams (we think 6 pullets sand one cockerel). Lastly, we have three 2 week old Toulouse geese!

We love our 26 acre farm in Ohio....but NOT liking the predator problem here at our house. We have been in the process of building more coops and expanding run space...since our last loss, one of whom was my most beloved chicken Tilly, a Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, we are creating Coop/Run Fort Knox style and I am doing something I NEVER thought I would do...I am going to take shooting lessons and buy a gun! I am not anti-guns...just never wanted one...NOW I do!!! Our chickens are 100% pets and loved beyond words...
Welcome. If you don't have anything morally against it, I'd suggest the trapping and permanent removal of raccoons and foxes, as well as anything not yours, from your farm. I trap every year to try and keep the predator issue under control. It's a losing battle for sure, but I don't want to find out how much worse it would be otherwise...
My family, along with our 14 chickens, 2 horses, 7 Nigerian Dwarf Milking goats, 6 Holland Lop bunnies, 2 cats, 2 rats, 1 Collie, 1 conure and 4 children, moved to southern Ohio, Jackson County, 2 years ago from New Hampshire. In the 2 years we have been here, we have llost 2 chickens to dogs and 7 to raccoons, 3 of which we just lost a week ago...We have acquired 4 more cats and 3 more dogs, all dumped at our house.

Our remaining flock is five, 5 year old hens, 3 Cochins; 1 black, 1 blue and 1 blue-black, 1 blue Maran and 1 blue Olive Egger. We recently added to our flock...we have twenty-two 10-12 week old chicks: 2 Isa Browns, 2 Porcelain D'Uccles, 5 Millie Fleur D'Uccles (one of which is a rooster) 5 Birched Cochin Bantams (one of which is a rooster), and 8 Blue Laced Red Wyandottes. We have fourteen 2 week old chicks; 3 Barnevelders, 4 Marans, 7 Buff Brahma Bantams (we think 6 pullets sand one cockerel). Lastly, we have three 2 week old Toulouse geese!

We love our 26 acre farm in Ohio....but NOT liking the predator problem here at our house. We have been in the process of building more coops and expanding run space...since our last loss, one of whom was my most beloved chicken Tilly, a Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, we are creating Coop/Run Fort Knox style and I am doing something I NEVER thought I would do...I am going to take shooting lessons and buy a gun! I am not anti-guns...just never wanted one...NOW I do!!! Our chickens are 100% pets and loved beyond words...

I think this is not uncommon. I suspect many people who feel so strongly that common folks should not have firearms have simply never had the need for one in their own personal life before.

I was talking to someone the other day about so called "assault rifles" and why would anybody ever have a need for one. I relayed a incident from a few years ago when the coyotes first started making daytime sneak raids and grabbing chickens out of the yard in the middle of the afternoon here. You usually would never see or hear them, the guineas might alert, and you may find a small group of loose feathers, and a few more trailing back through the woods and that would be it. One particular winter afternoon I hear the guineas go off and look out to see a coyote running down the path going back through the woods and out across a picked corn field. The coyote had grabbed a huge Brahma cockerel who was putting up it's best fight causing it to drop and re grab it a couple times as they got farther away. I called my neighbor's cell as I was going to be on their ground if I followed. Luck would have it he was back at the cow barns and was actually closer to the coyotes path of travel than I was. He took a very long shot with a .22 cal. rifle he had with him. The coyote dropped the cockerel and high tailed across the field. The bird was still alive but too severely injured to survive. A flat shooting semi automatic .223 rifle might very well have turned the trick on a running coyote at distances much too far for little .22 rimfires. The kicker was that it was that it was the only cockerel I had hatched of a new color project I had started, and was the end of that.
I have one hen with toes like this... Is this normal???

I don't think it is normal but I have a 2 yrs old Light Brahma with curled in toes a little worse than yours. She had them as a chick and gets around fine. She roosts walks and makes mud puddles great.There is probably a way to help correct them when they are chicks but I didn't catch it soon enough. Just keep an eye on her for it getting worse or one getting broke is all I can suggest. Hopefully someone else will give more input.

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