OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!


I'm loving my Easter Egger bantams so much. They are my favorites. I try to be fair about it but they are so unafraid of me and always come to me first.

They are my favorites too but mine aren't bantams
this is Raleigh. Her blue tinted eggs are the best

Here's a photo of my girls with the addition of the 4 Easter eggers. Hoping everyone is a she. I'm so afraid that I will end up with a roo.

I understand! I had 8 straight run bantams and was hoping for an Easter egger rooster but that means getting rid of any other roos. I have an ee roo but what if my other 2 ee's are also roos? These three are real favorites. Here's my ee roo Idaho.

Hello fellow Ohioans! Just starting our flock and working on our coop/run. I have a feeling it's going to be a constant work in progress just based on some of the great ideas I've seen on here so far! We have 4 dark brahma, 3 barred rock, 3 Red Cross and 2 buff Orpington.
@floodthelast I was worried about roosters too. I ended up with two. I unfortunately don't have enough girls at the moment but my roosters get along. It seems that because they were raised together they got it all figured out. I also had some bossy older girls to keep them in line when they were young.
It's a little rough on my girls right now but I'm working on fixing that problem. I just couldn't see sending one of the boys to freezer camp when they were both so nice. To me, the dogs and the girls. I've even seen them work together to protect the flock. Now if I end up with yet another roo I'll really have problems.
Hello fellow Ohioans! Just starting our flock and working on our coop/run. I have a feeling it's going to be a constant work in progress just based on some of the great ideas I've seen on here so far! We have 4 dark brahma, 3 barred rock, 3 Red Cross and 2 buff Orpington.
Welcome, and Goodluck with your flock. BYC has a wealth of information. Sounds like you have a nice variety.
So I'm devising a new pallet coop plan to add to my existing coop so I can get more chickens!! I want to raise some chicks and only live 1hr from Meyer Hatchery. Breeds I want:
Jersey giant
Easter egger (have one want another)
Buff or Blue silkie
French Copper Maran

Not a bad wishlist. Now to devise my building plan. It will be going in an 8x8x6 dog kennel
So I'm devising a new pallet coop plan to add to my existing coop so I can get more chickens!! I want to raise some chicks and only live 1hr from Meyer Hatchery. Breeds I want:
Jersey giant
Easter egger (have one want another)
Buff or Blue silkie
French Copper Maran

Not a bad wishlist. Now to devise my building plan. It will be going in an 8x8x6 dog kennel

You have some large breeds on that list. Is the kennel just for the coop? Will they be able to free-range?

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