OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

I have bought pet gazebo's for my ducks and put tarps around it to keep it weather proof. That is where my Momma Duck Sugar is sitting on eggs as I type this. Her Sister Spice (they are Mallards) also hatched out a clutch in there last year. They really like it. I also bought another bigger Pet Container that you can walk in and put tarps over it in the pen and the other ducks sometimes will lay their eggs in it. They have a regular Duck house that they use, a Dog house and a Chicken House that have been given to me in the past. Mine have plenty of places to hide and lay eggs and lots of shade. I hate it when People just put them in a dog kennel with a dog house and lots of them with no shade. I don't know what they are thinking when it gets hot outside. I had gotten a Child's playhouse once for my Duck pen but my Grandchildren saw it and took it from me, lol.
Good afternoon, folks snowed this morning didn't last long but 45 F now.
Good afternoon, folks snowed this morning didn't last long but 45 F now.
Did you hatch out your Mallard ducklings or buy them? I was just curious. Have you ever had any to fly away or do you pinion them all? How old are yours? My Momma Duck will be able to keep hers warm if any hatch since they are not due until May 10th. It got really cold last year when 11 were hatched out by her sister and they all made it just fine. Mallards make good little Momma Ducks.
We have a freeze warning tonight. Made sure the buns with babies are packed with hay. Double checked the polish chicks (they are feisty) so hopefully all are well overnight.
I hope all is well with your babies. I am lucky that mine are still in the eggs and not hatched out yet. It is 29 degrees out right now and I am 18 miles east of Columbus.
Did you hatch out your Mallard ducklings or buy them? I was just curious. Have you ever had any to fly away or do you pinion them all? How old are yours? My Momma Duck will be able to keep hers warm if any hatch since they are not due until May 10th. It got really cold last year when 11 were hatched out by her sister and they all made it just fine. Mallards make good little Momma Ducks.
I bought them from Mt Healthy. But every farm store nearby had them this year I didn't know that until they sold out in many places.

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