Ohio National...

Congratulations Julie! I really like your birds. Thanks for positng the photos. That buff of Doug Akers is darling. She looks like a little basketball. I love all that fluff!
Julie, I knew the minute I saw those birds at the show that they were yours. There just weren't any others like them. They are just gorgeous. I picked up some really nice bantam Cochins at the show, and also some bantam Wyandottes, but I told my husband my weekend would have been complete if I could have taken those gorgeous Orps home. lol Congrats on the win!!
Julie, I was disappointed that I didn't get to talk to you. I saw you, but you were busy, and I was busy. I thought I'd catch up with you later, but I didn't see you again. By the time I went back on Sunday morning, your birds were gone, so I figured you'd left. It was so busy there that before we knew it, the weekend was over. But we really did enjoy the show. I'll definitely be back next year, but I'm flying. That was the longest trip ever................
Thank you Missfitch. I will have eggs available in a few weeks when I get over this surgery I had the Wed after that weekend. Was a little tougher than I thought it would be. I can't stoop or bend or lift anything heavier than a coffee cup for several more weeks. MY DH has been taking care of me and everything else so I wouldn't consider asking him for one other thing. He has been great. Let me know if you get ready for some eggs. Julie
Bill those Buffs look great. So glad you had the oportunity to get them.
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I like the Buffs so much, I ordered one more cockerel. lolol Maybe I can weasel another pullet out of him too. He is down to just 7 cockerels, and that one should be no less as nice, prolly nicer. I know the comb on this Buff cockerel got beaten around a bit on the way to the show. He is a nice boy. I really like the girls too. Looking forward to seeing what comes out of them. Should be a fun year. Can't wait till the next year Ohio Nationals. GREAT SHOW!!
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Julie, I hope you recover quickly from the surgery. Feel better soon! Bill, looks like you scored some gorgeous Orps at the show. They're beautiful. Congrats!

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