OK Eggsperts...this one's for you...

Salt, that is the trick. I do all the others except the vinegar and if I dont salt the water before I boil them then you can forget getting the shell off, even if it is an old egg.
here is the last recipe I have used, from the oregonain newspaper, has worked well.

let eggs sit in cold water for 15 min, make sure water is one inch above eggs,
bring to boil,
boil one min , i do 1min -2 min, roll during boil.
turn heat off, put lid on for 14 minutes.
take out of hot water , put in cold, I run them under the cold tap. then soak in cold pan of water, store in fridge.

the key is the lid on during the wait.
have had perfect eggs in the fridge since I followed these dirctions.

I just made deviled eggs this past weekend, using older eggs. Every single egg gave up it's shell without a fight, except one. By the time I got done with that one, it was so scarred, lumpy and misshapen, it looked like an asteroid! My husband walked by and said, "Hmmm... Looks like a dog egg."

So, the dogs shared that one. They were all begging and agreed with my husband's assessment of that egg.
I've tried every trick in the book...and nothing works exept two week old eggs.

On the other hand...I've notice that different breeds have easier/harder peeling.

EE's colored eggs...are AWEFUL PEELERS

My AzilXwelsummer egg peels VERY easy
Thanks for all of the great suggestions. I just made egg salad with my first 5 bantam eggs. They peeled terribly. I thought it was becasue they were so dogon small. But after fighting with the shells. The sandwich was very good.
I figured it out...LOL...peel them while they are still hot (under cold water of course to keep your hands from burning). I tap the egg all around on the side of the sink and then start taking off the shell starting at the tip. It doesn't come off in one piece, but I haven't torn an egg yet since doing this

I think the extreme heat allows the egg shell to crack, but leaves the lining elastic and not so clingy to the egg, but rather clings to the shell.

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