OK, here's a new game... what kind of geese are these?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 8, 2013
Central/Western Oklahoma
My son got me some hatching geese eggs for Mother's Day at a poultry swap meet but didn't find out what *kind* they were. I really love the little devils, but I keep looking at pictures of baby geese and I can't figure out what kind these might be. Any guesses?

Here they are in the transport box, just after hatching, when I pulled them out to go out to a brooder box. They are maybe 3-4 days old. Anybody?
Actually, they are not either. The reason I know this is that I came into possession of a young African brown about their age and level of fledging, plus they are not building the 'knob' on the top of the bill. Let me see if I can get some decent pictures of the three of them together for contrast. Back with them in a day or two (the African is not here at the moment)
They look like my Canada goose when he was itty bitty!

Hmm. They do look a lot like that. I wonder... might explain why they were just marked 'goose eggs' without what kind on the box; most of the time when I see hatching eggs, the breed is noted, but it's *illegal* to sell Canada eggs here. If the seller knew they were Canadas, they might have just foisted them off as 'goose eggs' in order to get out of trouble, figuring whoever bought them wouldn't know who to go back on. Meh... Well, if they are Canadas, it's legal to harbor them here as long as you don't sell or give them away, or intentionally breed them. If they do turn out to be Canadas, I will go get the license to do rehab; it's just a formality anyway, they've been asking me to do it for years haha.

I have the two Mystery Geese in town with me, and the little African is out at the farm. I had all three here last week but it was getting pretty noisy with them all calling to each other and I didn't want to upset the neighbors LOL. The two are in town because of the poor naked one (the other one denuded it a couple of weeks ago) still kind of keeping an eye on it until it fledges again and I am trying to get them back together once it does, so the sibling stayed where they can at least see each other. They were both pretty interested in the African when it was here, so I am hoping they will all get on together when we get them all out to the big place.

I will try to get a photo of the fluffy one next to the African for comparison, once I get them out there.
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Baby canadian goslings are very yellowish, and your geese appear more green. They look like my toulose goslings.

They were a week or two old in the picture, so they had lighter beaks and feet, but when we got them their bills were solid black.

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