ok this takes the cake.....(venting)

I don't know what it is about low class women like that. Ever since a friend of mine who against all odds raised her boy very well, got herself into a better situation, used aid when needed but NEVER when she wasn't entitled to it, she was preggers at 17, had the baby at 18... and now, 9 years later, is a home owner and on no kind of assistance.

I have a big problem when tax dollars go to people who won't better themselves. Or, when people expect a handout, and people had given them handouts, and they take that to mean everyone owes them something. After seeing first hand that it can be done, and without that much effort at all... I have no sympathy. None. Exsept for the children, who fell in with a moronic mother. I hope something disrupts the cycle with them, because it is learned behavior.

In this day and age, there's no reason for a woman to not be standing on her own two feet and taking proper care of her babies.
I know I'm a nasty, suspicious person, but I wonder if she was casing your home so that "baby daddy" could come back later and steal your "other stuff"? Sounds like she might have been angling for a tour of your home.

Probably a good thing that you mentioned your DH is with the Sheriff's Dept!
She might also be looking for free stuff she can resell, to feed a nasty habit of some kind. Then again, it could be she is dumb as a box of rocks. Pray for the kids and her.

Bless her heart.......
I think it is an attention getter so people would give her what she needs.

You're right, that's the only explanation that makes sense in this situation.
Governments will ban chickens and livestock. They will require a license for dogs and cats. Yet, anyone-ANYONE-can reproduce without question. When will we start thinking about those children instead of the "reproductive rights" of these idiots who obviously are incapable of or unwilling to make responsible choices? Quite frankly, I am tired of paying to take care of other people's children that they choose to keep popping out knowing the whole time they cannot afford them and/or are not willing to properly care for them.
SFW...i may sound a little red neck about this but when you come to my front door and when it's opened the first thing you see in my locked gun rack up on the wall...my .22 is at a hight where i can get it but my husbands high powered riffles (i think, he's only tought me about the .22) are out of my reach....it's intimadating for any one who comes over (help the first night i met my daughters boy friend who refused to some in the house the first night because of them) i also have a black lab that roams the property and trust me..she'll sneak up on you...we have a cruiser that comes by about 5 times a hour (small town)....i've looked round in the garage to see if any thing is missing, doesn't seem like any thing has but i've also taken in a lot of stuff and locked it up...i have a golf cart that my kids use around the farm and town in there but i've moved it to another part of the farm
my sister had her baby last nov without any prenatal care and yes she qualifies for welfare. the hospital called cps on her for it. they told her it was child neglect. HOWEVER my sister also lived 45 min away from the hosp, and has 3 other young kids to take with her each drs appt, so honeslty that is why she never went. oh and her drl was revoked and her car died the year before and YES, my mom couldve taken her BUT she was afraid to tell mom she was pregnant again. so anyways, she wasnt trying to be neglectful. SO my point is they WILL do this at the hosp, likely, esp if her attitude is crap like op states. And please dont jump on my sister, i was just stating it as an example about cps.

some people tho! i just got a bag of clothes off a coworker and honestly i think i will use about 3 outfits from it, the rest, goodwill. i m not going to be rude to her, and other people have given me the same sizes so i CAN be a little bit picky.
i was 16 when i had my first. i am a homeowner(not in a nice home by any means.. more like a trailer but we will be upgrading possibly next spring to a regular house with a basement yay:) ) anyway, i also was on assistance of some sort.(we do still get reduced lunches as school but i just can't afford what they want and it's by their guidelines) anyway, we aren't on any other type of help at all. i haven't been on any for about 5 years. So it can be done. I have been married for 6 and a half years. and it was so rewarding to not have to sign up for any type of help(aside from lunches at school lol)

i know this girl(was my friend not anymore) anyway, she would take anythign she can get. she was on food stamps and when her hubby was paid more she lost a few dollars on the food stamps and boy was she mad. and she was on medical assistance for her daughter and then hubby was able to get assistance for the daughter but my *friend* was mad cuz she couldn't get the medical assistance to pay for everything. so then she had another child. and a third now. how can she even be making it now? she must be using the system still. she's the most awful person i know. her hubby was charged with sexual assault against a child under 5(their daughter) not sure whatever happened but that's when i decided i didn't want to be her friend... when she was adamant that her hubby didnt do it. the rest of his family has been in jail for one thing or another and he didn't even want the first child in the first place. i havent' talked to her for a year or better now. she's not worth it but i wonder about those children. she doesn't work. claims to be a SAHM. but she was pawning her oldest(the daughter) off at a friends (who does the day care) and her mom paid for it. why should she need the day care when she's a SAHM? she sent the daughter there every day.

man she makes me angry lol. and she wasn't even a single mom ever. she's been married about as long as i have been.

anyway, i hope you do have your friend check on that girl and her kids.

Please don't. I would have to see horrific abuse or neglect to ever get the state involved. I spent many years in foster care and group homes that were way more horrific than the home I was taken away from. There were some good ones to be sure, and there were some okay ones (people that don't care one way or another about you, but don't abuse you mentally or physically) but some of them are downright nasty. A lot of times it's not the home you're in, but the other children you are with that are the vicious ones... and no one protects you.

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