***OKIES in the BYC III ***

The tank type we had in one of our travel trailers was I think either a 5 or seven gallon. Quick showers were the norm, very quick, but that size would be great for under the sink and they recover fast. Add a timer to it for morning and night along with a timer for the main tank and you save on energy.

They also make a circulation pump for the kitchen or where there is a long run from the tank that will bring hot water to the faucet without running the water and you can save water that way.

Our hard water here is killer on the heating elements and anode rods in the tanks. To drain my tank I have shut-offs installed on the inlet and outlet on top of the tank and an air fitting installed on the tank side. If I need to pull the elements I can maintain my 35lbs of pressure on the system so it can drain faster. I wish that the tanks had a big plug in the bottom so the scale could be cleaned out while servicing the tank.
Just finished feeding the kids their midnight feeding. I am going to do my best to take lots of pics-- 6 months from now I want to remember they were cute little snuggley girls. Bottle feeding is alot of work - and expensive, we are using 1 gal of milk a day. But I know bottle feeding is worth it. We will have the friendliest goats we can ever wish for.

I would love to have some sheep as well, but not ready to tackle fencing the pasture to make it sheep proof. Not sure I trust movable fencing. The guy we got one of our dogs from had 50 or so hair sheep & 100+ acres that looked freshly mowed. Those sheep did an awesome job caring for the grass.
[[ Congrad ]] !!! Wish i could have went ...

Cuban- wasn't you wanting to take more birds @ first? Think you did REAL well with what you took. I am still getting an understanding one showing. Would the other birds you thought about taking been in the same catagories? Awesome job-- I am sure there are more ribbons ahead!
mornin' Okies! I got to hear roo's again this morning! Life is good!!!!

My belief exactly...Silkied Serama are ideal companions for people that are 'not allowed' to have chickens, don't want to go outdoors in the weather, or a dozen other reasons. They are personable, bond with humans and enjoy (and return) all attention. They are completely happy in a rabbit, guinnea pig, or cockatiel cage. They're not noisy or smelly and are meant to be 'house chickens'. They are delightful little creatures and are the pet of the future.
Love the baby goats! Just too cute!!

Congratulations Cuban...nice awards for you beautiful birds.

These aftershocks are troubling. Two near Meeker on 11/12 in the early morning hours...one 1/2 mile from the house and then the one last night at 11:31pm near Sparks rumbled thru for about 10 seconds...I could not go to sleep until 3 am this morning. Hubby said this morning "You are having symptoms of PTSD". Good thing he was laughing when he said that...I had a cast iron skillet in my hand....but he may be right.

Jezebel's breakfast is ready so I'll go tend to her while the boys feed the cattle thier cubes and put ut hay. Looking forward to a nice day outside.
There was a gorgeous rainbow this morning...dark clouds to the west behind it and the sun shining on it from the east...lovely sunrise. The girls dashed outside the run to go free range. I'm going to let the teen pen out this morning also. I need to rake out their area and I'm hoping that everybody out at the same time, play nice.
Good Morning Okie's!! Congrats Cuban! How many birds did you end up taking! I got a run down on the show from TJ's Papa via the phone. I wasn't there but aquired birds! LOL. We had a great weekend, I recomend Keystone state park cabins to anyone in the area. Just like a hotel but with a kitchen! Lil'Sooner did great in her tournament & played tough but got beat out in the simi finals in overtime.

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