***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Hi Elwood - Sorry to hear about your hen. I lost one to a hawk recently. My juvenile group was out, and I thought I was supervising closely enough, but one of the pullets was away from the rest and a hawk snatched her like a trainer doing a touch-and-go. She was the smallest of the group, so I figure that's natural selection at work.

Congrats on the 15,000th post!
Evening Folks!

Well woke up early this morning and my dryer was still running and cold. Took it apart when I got home, but could not find the problem.
Of course I am not very savvy when it comes to dryers. According to what I found online it could be anything as simple as the thermostat to having to have the 220 wall socket rewired. ???? I don't want to start replacing parts until it is fixed. Probably going to have to load it on the truck and haul it to the repair shop. Unfortunately repair people won't come out here unless I pay a fortune.
I hate not being able to fix something....

Okay so all you serama people have me wanted a couple as house pets. Actually, I was thinking more like school pets, more like it. The kids would love them. I am really partial to the silkie ones though but may consider others. So all you enablers "Show me the Seramas"! I am ready to get a roo or pair. Probably a pair would be better. I can bribe twice as many kids that way.
Guess I better go out and get the cage from storage. Gosh I am a sucker!!!

Going to go eat my nacho pile for dinner. BRB

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