***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Cathie any guineas hatch? 4/4 of my first eggs all hatched 3 days early this wk. Looks like I will lock down 3 dz next wk, hoping for a good batch to bring to poops.

There is no reason to be scared of renters. Just be picky. Past couple times I have taken almost a month to rent our houses. I wait until the perfect drama free person shows up. If they have a sob story or craziness when they view the house then they are not moving into my house. The person with the best job & well behaved kids always wins IMO. You view my house & are screaming at your kids & can't get them to stop running through the house & up the stairs while I am standing there no way in the world are you moving in. We also have them do rent direct deposit for all but one house. They set up the direct deposit & they get $100 off 1 months rent. Works everytime & so much nicer!
So using BYC mostly on the taptotalk app I miss some stuff. Like cant PM -- see the stickies, videos or the classified section but noticed that we now have a misc section that includes gardening & self sufficient! Very exciting!!!!
(I can see the classified archives just not current ads weird I know).
Today is going to be another hot day. Make sure all the birds have plenty of water.
Not having caffeine this morning really Stinks... no coffee, chocolate or cola...headache!! Hubby promised a big Dr. Pepper when we head home......

Quote: So looking forward to this hatch!

Quote: Prague is located at intersection of Hwy 99 and Hwy 62. Going South on Hwy 99 from that intersection, Juana's is located on the west side of the road. They are closed on Monday. It's in the south part of town near the skating rink.


There will definetly be a gathering when he comes home on R&R for his Civilian Deployment... So everyone be looking for there invitation!!!! Retirement Party.....
Congratulations! So appreciate his service and the sacrifices your family has had to make while he has been deployed.
re: Flooring I would go with the hardwood that is already there. If you can afford to replace any pet damaged boards, do so. If you can't then get artistic with throw rugs. You will still have the option of repairing them later.

When we bought this place last July the first thing we did was have the carpets taken out. Nice 1 1/2 inch oak floors but with pet stains. We had to replace over 60 sq ft, it was pricey but that was the time to do it. (How often do you have a completely empty house?) The refinishing job was just alright but the repairs were very well done. The floors show all the dirt and dog hair. That is just fine, at least when I do clean the floors I know they are really clean. Carpet hides and holds so much filth.

We kept our house in Ks and have rented it. It was empty a couple of months until the right renters came up. It isn't just a "rental" it is/was our home and we have put a lot of work into it. As much as you would like to help someone out the wrong renters could destroy a house in short order. Good renters have the job and credit score and they have that because they are responsible people. It is in a mostly owner occupied neighborhood so we pay someone to do the yard work. Renters are happy and the neighbors are happy.
Ok, guys, I suck. I've placed more than a few chicks (and my turks) recently and have placed adults-no problem. But I placed the cockerel from my very 1st hatch (that I'm obviously overly attached to) and felt sick ever since. Rebecca has graciously agreed to let me have him back. I know she's been looking and looking for a white Ameraucana hen (preferably) or roo, not an Easter Egger but an actual Ameraucana. If anyone has one or knows of one for sale please let me know.I'd like to buy it for her to make up for this whole mess. Surely someone somewhere has one.
So....if you will, help me make this up to Rebecca. And go ahead and tell me how bad I suck, I deserve it.
Cathie any guineas hatch? 4/4 of my first eggs all hatched 3 days early this wk. Looks like I will lock down 3 dz next wk, hoping for a good batch to bring to poops.
There is no reason to be scared of renters. Just be picky. Past couple times I have taken almost a month to rent our houses. I wait until the perfect drama free person shows up. If they have a sob story or craziness when they view the house then they are not moving into my house. The person with the best job & well behaved kids always wins IMO. You view my house & are screaming at your kids & can't get them to stop running through the house & up the stairs while I am standing there no way in the world are you moving in. We also have them do rent direct deposit for all but one house. They set up the direct deposit & they get $100 off 1 months rent. Works everytime & so much nicer!

None yet!!! I heard them peeping the other day now nothing! But the eggs I forgot to move to the other hatcher (not guineas) on Tuesday I moved last night and no sooner had we gotten them moved one pipped, lol!!! I thought surely not but yep it did. So hopefully by time I get home we will have one chick. I really hope we get better at this hatching thing. The guineas I won't be to surprised on since well they aren't the most fertile guineas around right now, lol.

We need to try to rent it again but I just worry. Your right about drama, my other new rule is NO PETS in the house!!! The last ones it was supposed to be 2 small dogs well it turned into 2 small dogs, 3 cats and a rabbit!! Never again I need to figure out how to do the direct deposit for rent that would be great!!! Our first one ran off leaving us with $1700 in back rent and damages owed, grrrrr.
Ok, guys, I suck. I've placed more than a few chicks (and my turks) recently and have placed adults-no problem. But I placed the cockerel from my very 1st hatch (that I'm obviously overly attached to) and felt sick ever since. Rebecca has graciously agreed to let me have him back. I know she's been looking and looking for a white Ameraucana hen (preferably) or roo, not an Easter Egger but an actual Ameraucana. If anyone has one or knows of one for sale please let me know.I'd like to buy it for her to make up for this whole mess. Surely someone somewhere has one.
So....if you will, help me make this up to Rebecca. And go ahead and tell me how bad I suck, I deserve it.

awe she knows you love that little feather baby, I am sure she isn't upset with you. I will keep my eyes open for a white ameraucana. Although I am not sure I could pick out an Ameraucana vs. an EE lol. You have a good heart and have been so gracious to let others have birds for free. I know I love the 3 guineas we got from you (even the one that never shut up she has a man now and is much quieter, lol).
Ok, guys, I suck. I've placed more than a few chicks (and my turks) recently and have placed adults-no problem. But I placed the cockerel from my very 1st hatch (that I'm obviously overly attached to) and felt sick ever since. Rebecca has graciously agreed to let me have him back. I know she's been looking and looking for a white Ameraucana hen (preferably) or roo, not an Easter Egger but an actual Ameraucana. If anyone has one or knows of one for sale please let me know.I'd like to buy it for her to make up for this whole mess. Surely someone somewhere has one.
So....if you will, help me make this up to Rebecca. And go ahead and tell me how bad I suck, I deserve it.

Mitzi it is okay, I do not mind giving Carson back to you. He will be missed but that is okay. You do not have to get any birds for me. It is all good.
Ok, guys, I suck. I've placed more than a few chicks (and my turks) recently and have placed adults-no problem. But I placed the cockerel from my very 1st hatch (that I'm obviously overly attached to) and felt sick ever since. Rebecca has graciously agreed to let me have him back. I know she's been looking and looking for a white Ameraucana hen (preferably) or roo, not an Easter Egger but an actual Ameraucana. If anyone has one or knows of one for sale please let me know.I'd like to buy it for her to make up for this whole mess. Surely someone somewhere has one.
So....if you will, help me make this up to Rebecca. And go ahead and tell me how bad I suck, I deserve it.

you so silly!!!

wish i knew somene with white americana's for her.
Thanks you guys, but I already know I suck
Jim, it's the perfect chance for you to go for it, I give you permission.
Rebecca, I'll find one. And I'll get her all shined up and pretty and if you don't want her I'll just keep her til you do. Thank you :)

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