***OKIES in the BYC III ***

how do you keep your fingers?

and poor oreo has to eat outside? that aint right! he neeeds to be fed FIRST!

They get my fingers all the time. Oreo gets his too, This day he and his girls were free ranging and they had got thier dubias first, then he followed me to the other group and muched a few more. Gary has the video of feeding his group of girls just before this video he just hasn't got it on youtube yet.
How many I give Oreo and how many he keeps are two very different numbers!!!! His girls are ferousious (sp) they steal the dubias right from his mouth all the time.
Finally got caught up! If you only get on once a day you sure get way behind!
Busy day for the most part. Horrible night of rest last night so I was already worn out when I got up. Went to Kentucky and picked up this weeks hatch. About 50 more baby chicks! I took the last "new" ones out to the shed and still have over 60 in the bathroom! Seem to have more weak ones in this batch and only about half the eggs hatched. Wondered if the guy had bator problems.But they are cute and I love them!
Finally warming up here and we get afternoon showers everyday. Saw the first corn comming up but no squash yet. My gharden is late this year. Moved the gosling and her chick buddys to a pen on the ground today. They have a box with a light in it and they all went into it on their own tonight. Gosling(going to have to give her a name) is really getting big fast. Sure hope I can find her a friend soon or a mama goose to adopt her.
cowboy let me know what it was in rollers you were wanting again. I forgot where I wrote it down so I wouldn't forget!lol.Still haven't found any frills here yet. Guy in North Carolina has some but it would be $120 for birds and shipping!
Everyone have a great day tomorrow,night.
Anyone have an idea on economical (sp) flooring ? Have been helping sis in law with house repairs, most of the house has to have drywall and flooring redone. She is on a fixed income and disabled. I am in for around $400.00 so far, and am looking for ideas for the flooring in 2 rooms, Am hoping that the wood floors under the old carpet is not ruined from the cats and dogs that have been running wild in the house, but also trying to come up with ideas in case the floors can't be salvaged.
Morning Okies!
I'm moving about forty babies from the garage brooder to the barn today. It looks like the weather will be nice. Maybe these new babies will get to spend some time on grass before heading into the barn.

Naomi is still Not The Momma. She seems perfectly normal, except for her triple-wide appearance. I may put her on a lead and walk her around a bit, give her legs a stretch.

Silkies get to free range first today. Here's a photo from the last time they were out. They will probably spend a lot of time dust bathing. There's a great spot under a tree: shade and dirt: chicken heaven.

Anyone have an idea on economical (sp) flooring ? Have been helping sis in law with house repairs, most of the house has to have drywall and flooring redone. She is on a fixed income and disabled. I am in for around $400.00 so far, and am looking for ideas for the flooring in 2 rooms, Am hoping that the wood floors under the old carpet is not ruined from the cats and dogs that have been running wild in the house, but also trying to come up with ideas in case the floors can't be salvaged.
Wood floors should be able to be salvaged unless the entire floors have been trashed last foreclosure we bought had wood floors throughout. 2-3 places the floor boards had been ruined by a cat (under carpet the boards were almost rotten). Think replacement boards were about $50, DH cut the old boards out put the new boards in & then we sanded & refinished all the flooring. Around 2000 sq ft was oak floors. Think total cost was $300 & it took us 2 solid days. For just 2 rooms your biggest expense would be equipment rental IMO. If you don't want to save the wood floors they will still require treatment & sealing to kill the pet odor. Saving them is almost always cheapest. Once we replaced those boards I could tell they were there for about a yr then they blended nice. A stranger would have never noticed them, even from the first day I dont think.
Morning Okies!
I'm moving about forty babies from the garage brooder to the barn today. It looks like the weather will be nice. Maybe these new babies will get to spend some time on grass before heading into the barn.

Naomi is still Not The Momma. She seems perfectly normal, except for her triple-wide appearance. I may put her on a lead and walk her around a bit, give her legs a stretch.

Silkies get to free range first today. Here's a photo from the last time they were out. They will probably spend a lot of time dust bathing. There's a great spot under a tree: shade and dirt: chicken heaven.

"Not the mama! Not the mama!" lol thanks I'd forgotten about that show. Pretty birds.

Anyone else excited about POOPS?? I know I am!!
S&S carries whole and rolled oats, either will work very well.

Thanks I will stop by there on my way home tonight. I need to pick up some water bowls anyhow. Everytime I think I have enough we go and build new pens, lol.

Poco, those blues are soooo pretty! I can't wait till we have some blues running around in the yard. Ours will be banty cochins but still a little bit more color in the yard.

We had people want to come out at 5:45 last night to buy birds, I said sure no problem. No surprise when they didn't show but they got there at 9:45!! I would never go to buy birds in the dark and I darn sure wouldn't just show up at someones house that late! But on the plus side I have an empty pen (well the one weirdo guinea is in there it is smaller than the others and they all pick on him so he lives with a few chickens). I will have it filled by tomorrow since I have chicks moving out of brooders this week.

Peaches, congrats on your husband retiring!!! Thank you for all your family has gone through to make it possible for him to serve his country. Thank him too of course but it is hard on families to be seperated like that.
Anyone have an idea on economical (sp) flooring ? Have been helping sis in law with house repairs, most of the house has to have drywall and flooring redone. She is on a fixed income and disabled. I am in for around $400.00 so far, and am looking for ideas for the flooring in 2 rooms, Am hoping that the wood floors under the old carpet is not ruined from the cats and dogs that have been running wild in the house, but also trying to come up with ideas in case the floors can't be salvaged.

Lynn, double what Christina said. If the hardwoods are salvagable that may be the way to go. We bought our house in Wellston 10 years ago and the floors had places that needed boards replaced. A few still need replacing but we just covered those with furniture, lol. We sanded all the floors and then used Linseed oil to oil them. Then each week I would damp mop them and put down orange oil on them. We didn't seal them because we were in a hurry to get moved in (our old house had mold in the attic making us all sick). I love our hardwood floors. Our current house is 1/2 original hardwoods that I love. The other half they put down laminate wood flooring that I HATE! It could be worse and be carpet but still wish it was the old hardwood floors the rest of the house has.

I don't envy you on the drywall, our last renters spray painted a room red and then their kids marked all over the walls and put holes in them. We redid all the drywall in the house and I have yet to put it up for rent again and that was over a year ago. I would rather it sit empty than have to replace all those walls again!

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