***OKIES in the BYC III ***

gooooood morning oklahoma!!!!!!!!!!!!

what a day, what a day, what a day!!!!!!!!

what a wonderful morning it is!!!!!!!!

allllllllll sunny and warm out side!!!!!!!!!!

makes me all warm and fuzzy feeling!!!!!!!!

any of that sound sincere? just wondered, thought i would try and make people think i liked mornings.

i hate mornings, sleeping real good all comfotable and warm in the blankets then some annoying loud noise starts bothering you, then the alarm goes off and the annoying noise turns it off.

you get up and trip over your shoes, then bang your shin on the bed frame.

no breakfast cause the annoying noise doesnt want to get up, just wants YOU to get up.

oh well, hope everybody has a great day.
how do you bang your shin on the bed frame, did someone move it while you were sleeping?
Thanks Kass and Everyone, I will pick up some oats this weekend and get smaller amounts of wheat. How about chopped corn or Barley? Good grief it sounds like I am getting ready to make 'shine! Of course that does run in my blood. My dad's Pa (grandpa) made to all over the state of OK. I am told by my elders it was some pretty good stuff. Hmm, maybe I should go look through that old trunk for a recipe.

They will eat around the barley and leave it.. corn will ferment more than the other grains, I like whole grain and sprouting as the sprouts are very high in digestable protien and the grain is loaded with water and other nutrients. Sounds odd but as an example, wheat is an average of 13% protien some as low as 9, but sprouts are on average of 17%. The carbohydrates are more readily available and require less caloric input when the grain is moist and soft. In the winter we feed some grain due to the hard grain and the high calorie count required to get the nutrients raises the body temp, during the hot summer the moist soft grain provides the nutrition and moisture with little calorie burn.
They will eat around the barley and leave it.. corn will ferment more than the other grains, I like whole grain and sprouting as the sprouts are very high in digestable protien and the grain is loaded with water and other nutrients. Sounds odd but as an example, wheat is an average of 13% protien some as low as 9, but sprouts are on average of 17%. The carbohydrates are more readily available and require less caloric input when the grain is moist and soft. In the winter we feed some grain due to the hard grain and the high calorie count required to get the nutrients raises the body temp, during the hot summer the moist soft grain provides the nutrition and moisture with little calorie burn.

Thank you Carl, I guess I will leave the barley and corn out. LOL I will definitely sprout the grains. I will like doing that on a large scale because right now I sprout for the parrots. I only do a few at a time and it is more like peas, broccoli and radish seeds. I will have to check if the parrots can have the sprouted oats. That would make things so much easier for me. These are some spoiled animals!
Thanks Kass and Everyone, I will pick up some oats this weekend and get smaller amounts of wheat. How about chopped corn or Barley? Good grief it sounds like I am getting ready to make 'shine! Of course that does run in my blood. My dad's Pa (grandpa) made to all over the state of OK. I am told by my elders it was some pretty good stuff. Hmm, maybe I should go look through that old trunk for a recipe.

Here is a whole thread on the subject of fermented feed for meat birds...


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