***OKIES in the BYC III ***

today when i get home i get to hang the new gate i made for myn chicken yard. then i guess the next step is to buy a big poultry net to cover the top of the yard. and i have been thinking about expanding it 8ft more on 2 sides, that would give it 600sq-ft more, but that will be later down the line.
today when i get home i get to hang the new gate i made for myn chicken yard. then i guess the next step is to buy a big poultry net to cover the top of the yard. and i have been thinking about expanding it 8ft more on 2 sides, that would give it 600sq-ft more, but that will be later down the line.
I'm sure your chickens will apriciate your hard work. Dang just built them a new house and yard and already talking about expansions. I wanna be one of your chickens. Lol we bought a new house last year it was already remodeled but I mentioned painting and my DH looked at me as if I had just asked him to jump off a bridge needles to say we didn't paint. You sound like me go to work then come home and work till dark for your animals. There is only one word for your little girl pic. Aaaaaawwww.
Good morning everyone! Looking for a little advice this morning. I have a little cuckoo maran pullet that is just over 2 months old. She is blind in one eye and has not grown in a month. She is the same size as my month olds. Her siblings are more then twice her size. Had to pull her from the group yesterday and put her in with chicks I got from Muskogee because they were pecking her head so bad she no long has feathers on her head. I have 2 options I am looking at.

1. Isolate her from the group with her own food and water and hopes she hits her growth spurt and can get integrated back in and hopefully not get pecked again or
2. Cull her.

Not really sure which would be better for the girl. She is so pretty and sweet I know I couldn't be the one to cull her myself.
my 100th post. haha beat you to it eili mea
Gunmama sometimes it is better to cull than to spend endless hours worrying and medicating trying to get a weak bird to grow. I kind of go with the let nature be the judge thery . If it is far behind the others and already has a bad eye I think I would cull. Not a fun job but maybe best for the health of the others. If she is weak she is susceptible to other infections that might get passed to your good birds. Just my opinion.
cooler day today here but hotter as the week goes. I took advantage od Ideals weekly sale and ordered a "sunrise special". @5 st run chicks were only $34 including shipping! Since I have the Sandhill order comming this week I figured I could raise them as one bunch. Got to set another broody this morning. That means all three of my hens will be setting! No more eggs! Oh wiat I forgot the polish they are still laying!lol Everyone stay cool today!
Just saw a story on the news that made me shake my head. A guy facing charges for animal abuse. He threw a turtle in the rd & the turtle got a cracked shell. They took the turtle to the zoo for rehab.
Insane that 1 wild turtle being tossed can land you in court & make the news. The story even came before the ODOT employee dying & the underage prostitutes that were picked up in OKC.
Goodnight all-- have to be up @5. Need to get a few hours sleep.
So to say but I think that the time has finally came that even the worst pesty animals have more rights that humans. So I guess I better not shoot any turtles that are in my pond or any snakes that gets my chickens.

I saw that same report! I am to the point to were I strongly dislike watching the news anymore. Most of it is not news, it just touchy feely stories. Hated channel 9's "storm stories" last week! It was nothing but bragging about the stories that they covered. Did not even mentioned the Blanchard tornado wwere 2 people died as a result, I guess because they were adults it did not matter.

Now that I have vented ya'll have a cool day!
So to say but I think that the time has finally came that even the worst pesty animals have more rights that humans. So I guess I better not shoot any turtles that are in my pond or any snakes that gets my chickens.

I saw that same report! I am to the point to were I strongly dislike watching the news anymore. Most of it is not news, it just touchy feely stories. Hated channel 9's "storm stories" last week! It was nothing but bragging about the stories that they covered. Did not even mentioned the Blanchard tornado wwere 2 people died as a result, I guess because they were adults it did not matter.

Now that I have vented ya'll have a cool day!
I don't have a problem with killing a turtle but sounds like he was making it suffer - i don't think needless suffering is cool. True that there are much more important events happening in our world that could get coverage.
When I brougt my birds to the auction on the 2nd I also brought a pen of young cockerels for a frien and i forgot to get her cage. Any chance it is still around? It is a nice black dog kennel, about 20" by 24". Looks like I owe someone a kennel.
I hate being out of town and worrying about my little chicks. My girls put a mister out there and put a fan behind it to blow it towards the coop and said they were playing in it and jumping up and pecking the water drops off the tree branches so I guess they are having fun. They brought my rabbit in the house for the week so he's nice and cool. Cats live inside and the dogs are staying in; so far so good!

Sorry to hear about the losses. This heat is just miserable. Keep the pictures coming, I enjoy them all, animals, kids, crops....

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