***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Oddly enough Ksane, I feel for me too...only thing is I only bought 'em b'cause we thought there would be a normal % of M-F - you know at least one pullet to three cockerels but I think the breeder knew how to sex chicks at hatching and just decided to unload ten roos on someone who wasn't a "real" chicken buyer (someone who buys 40+ birds a night!). So we were saps, BUT my Davey really loved them and they were the last beings he saw before he passed away. So in the long run, it was worth all the shame of being "discovered" in my unlawful activities to have them for the while. I am going to sell my house and move out where I can have "real chickens" like you guys... you'll see... I'll be a real chicken person yet, you'll see...
I didn't know Dave died :-( I'm so sorry! I really liked him when I met him. You could see his sense of humor without him needing to say a word.
Your Neighborhood Assoc acts like you're cooking drugs in your basement instead of just trying to own some birds. I've always thought they were busy bodies. But then I'm the type of person who doesn't like being told what to do with my own stuff.

Christina, your daughter is a snake-killing machine :) Good for her. Maybe the news will spread to the other snakes to stay away from her birds.
Joe, the pictures of the laced birds of yours are just beautiful. Especially those Cochins, amazing.
I am sorry I don't, I have some nice Barred Doms but I lost one hen and am down to one older one and two daughters from the older ones, I did hatch a few but think I may have one pullet and three cockrels!! LOL I did think art one time Calvin Jackson had some, might hit him or Micheal up!!! Check with Guy also!!! Lynn
Buckguy a guy i no from cash has Dom's he read's the thred all the time but never post on it,,I have his num.
OMG!!! I just now got caught up from day before yesterday!!! LOL I have been off and on the computer all day!!! This thread moves fast!!!I went out this evening and tried to help with chores, but only made it watering for about 20 minutes, i was sweating, getting a headache and when I started shaking I knew I better head for the house, AC, fan and Ice water, took me about an hour to loose the headache, just can't take it, the heat exhaustion attacks the last two years have done me in, I praise God that my wife and kids are able to do chores and take care of (mostly mine) chickens, I have loved and raised chickens all my life just about, only had a few times that I couldn't keep at least a few around, It kills me that I can't get out and care for them, I have mentioned getting rid of them but my dear wife says as long as she can take care of them and we can afford them then they are staying. Don't know what I would do without her, she is a keeper!!! All of you please be careful in this heat, check on elderly and watch the children. Have a blessed day(night)!!! Lynn
OMG!!! I just now got caught up from day before yesterday!!! LOL I have been off and on the computer all day!!! This thread moves fast!!!I went out this evening and tried to help with chores, but only made it watering for about 20 minutes, i was sweating, getting a headache and when I started shaking I knew I better head for the house, AC, fan and Ice water, took me about an hour to loose the headache, just can't take it, the heat exhaustion attacks the last two years have done me in, I praise God that my wife and kids are able to do chores and take care of (mostly mine) chickens, I have loved and raised chickens all my life just about, only had a few times that I couldn't keep at least a few around, It kills me that I can't get out and care for them, I have mentioned getting rid of them but my dear wife says as long as she can take care of them and we can afford them then they are staying. Don't know what I would do without her, she is a keeper!!! All of you please be careful in this heat, check on elderly and watch the children. Have a blessed day(night)!!! Lynn
Sorry to hear the heats getting to you, be careful....glad to see you post great things about your spouse! I think mine is a keeper too, 5 years today...hoping for many more to come!
A big hearty and howdy welcome. Jump in and have fun.
My son raises standard gamefowl. Do you still have a connection to find Spanish or Cuban Games?

No, It`s been along time since I have talked to him and I have since lost his contact info.

She is a little beauty!
Lookey what the cat dragged in, as I live and breathe I never thought that you would make it over here.

I've tried to catch up to you but there have been way to much lost data through the years.


Hello Les!
another crazy morning in store. gonna work on coop some more want to get some paint on it and move into place to make the run tonight. Plus got a bit of mowing to do befor my holiday bash on saturday. been mowing in sections when its cool so i dont get over heated. Then gotta do a grocery shop for party food. Not complaining about the work though bc i love get togethers. Ellie gonna talk to my sis in law today bout using her lap top for our kariokie machine. Dont know if we have big speakers to hook up but some thing is better then nothing. Gunmama did you see any sales adds for fire lake yet?
6:30 in the morning and it's still 78 degrees outside and humid to boot! Ugh ugh and double ugh! Was going to work on the new garage conversion this morning but all I'm doing is dripping sweat and being miserable. I need to plan out the cages for the rabbits and the roost and feed areas for the birds anyway and I can do that sitting on the sofa in the air conditioning. Thanks to everyone for the well wishes for my husbands job. Fingers crossed. Stay cool everyone!

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