***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Hot ... again ... boo. So tired after getting up at 6:00 am to work on converting the storage space into the new critter barn and then find out this afternoon my husband may lose his job at the end of the week. If that happens I don't know how we'll be able to continue keeping our birds.
We won't even be able to keep our bills paid and food on the table let alone buy feed for the birds not to mention our son is starting college in the fall. We spent two years dealing with unemployment and he's only been back to work for a year. I don't think I can do this again. All we can do is keep our fingers crossed that he keeps his job for now. I don't want to give up my animals.

:( sorry, fingers crossed for you guys

another crazy morning in store. gonna work on coop some more want to get some paint on it and move into place to make the run tonight. Plus got a bit of mowing to do befor my holiday bash on saturday. been mowing in sections when its cool so i dont get over heated. Then gotta do a grocery shop for party food. Not complaining about the work though bc i love get togethers. Ellie gonna talk to my sis in law today bout using her lap top for our kariokie machine. Dont know if we have big speakers to hook up but some thing is better then nothing. Gunmama did you see any sales adds for fire lake yet?

I'm doing the same today. Trying to pick up a few things to spiff up my house and gotta go get the food stuffs before the shelves are cleared this weekend. We're getting together on wednesday, but I'd hate to not be able to get my hands on what I need. My new place isn't quite where I want it to be before having company over, but it's one of those things that's gonna take all year+ so why wait :p

Sure hope the electrician gets out to hook up the new ac unit. The current one has been freezing and running non stop it still can't keep it below 85. I've been displaced from home for the last couple of days and am not looking forward to going home to a hot house.
I am sold on deer netting for snake catching. Think we have caught 5 snakes in the netting since May. Pretty nice since those are snakes we would have never been found if they didn't get tangled up. Everyone should buy LOTS & LOTS of deer netting. Been the best snake trap ever. I was shocked we killed 2 yesterday. We usually only average one a wk. Think the heat had them seeking shelter in the barn. how many yrs do we have to keep fighting snakes to thin them out? The girls hardly bat an eye at them now. A yr ago they would be screaming or yelling for me to kill them--- now they don't hesitate to snatch them up with loppers or take a shovel to them.
Bird walk I put sharpening the boss & shovels on the to do list early in the spring. It is HARD to kill a snake without the right tool.
Erin best wishes for you & your family. Hoping for the best.
Cowboy update us as soon as you feel up to it! We want to know you are doing well.
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Buckguy20, you got me worried now of my two broodies. I see the forecast and it does not look promising. And they have water and do not drink it but they are panting. I am going to put Gatorade in their water but dont know how to force to drink!
Can you put frozen bottles of water around them? Not touching them, but around them to lower the temp a little around them.
Well I was sitting here catching up and my neighbor calls and says there is fox in your chicken pen! I run out there but it is gone. Also gone is the ee broody bantam and two of her ice chicks! So I guess thats what got them last time instead of coons. That explains how so many disappeared,I couldn't imagine coons carrying off that many. But I had to ask myself,why the neighbor(he was sitting on his deck reading the bible,he is a preacher) didn't jump up and run out there and chase it away or at least holler at it. Instead he fumbled around five mintues trying to find my number! He said "I thought about just going out there and shooting it"! Duh! if only he had! At least he didn't get my icelandic roo or pol pullet which are the only ones left except for the two hens that are in broody cages! Guess I will keep them locked inside their coop/pens and not let them out into the run anymore. He said the fox just leaped over a four ft tall section of fence.

Greybear you stay in in and take it easy, don't push your luck with those heat spells.
Hot ... again ... boo. So tired after getting up at 6:00 am to work on converting the storage space into the new critter barn and then find out this afternoon my husband may lose his job at the end of the week. If that happens I don't know how we'll be able to continue keeping our birds.
We won't even be able to keep our bills paid and food on the table let alone buy feed for the birds not to mention our son is starting college in the fall. We spent two years dealing with unemployment and he's only been back to work for a year. I don't think I can do this again. All we can do is keep our fingers crossed that he keeps his job for now. I don't want to give up my animals.

Oh, I hope he doesn't lose his job. That's so very stressful. Thinking positive thoughts for you guys.
HAHA okay, someone mentioned 112 birds on their porch a few days ago and I thought, gee that's a LOT of birds! Then yesterday I added up my birds. I usually count them in their groupings of 3-6 to make sure everyone is account for..... I realized.... I have 49 birds...... haha now 112 doesn't sound like that many.
Hey everyone,

I was wondering if anyone here has any issues with their free range chickens getting on their porch? I have a concrete low profile porch and its open (no fence or railing) so I was wondering if anyone had any ideas how I can keep my chickens from getting on it. I think we all know the reason I would like to keep them off of my porch (output).

Also anyone in NE, OK needing any OEGB chicks holler at me I have a bunch.
Hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone here has any issues with their free range chickens getting on their porch? I have a concrete low profile porch and its open (no fence or railing) so I was wondering if anyone had any ideas how I can keep my chickens from getting on it. I think we all know the reason I would like to keep them off of my porch (output). Also anyone in NE, OK needing any OEGB chicks holler at me I have a bunch.
if is in the shade they will do this more with the heat. mine love to lay on it to get cool. Have to run them off if i want in the house.
Hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone here has any issues with their free range chickens getting on their porch? I have a concrete low profile porch and its open (no fence or railing) so I was wondering if anyone had any ideas how I can keep my chickens from getting on it. I think we all know the reason I would like to keep them off of my porch (output). Also anyone in NE, OK needing any OEGB chicks holler at me I have a bunch.
I would suggest building it into a screened in porch!!! LOL That is the only way you will keep them off and not have to avoid the uuuh chicken traps!!!! LOL Lynn

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