***OKIES in the BYC III ***

A few pics of Ara, I am beginning to worry she may be a he

Welcome rhino. Guineas are the best, but for child friendly chickens something on the calm side. A Cochin or silkie perhaps??

P&B congrats on the critter catch.

Kass happy anniversary!

Lynn I talked with DH last night about if anything was worth covering up in the garden. We have a few hundred feet of row cover, but since I got sick the garden has been pretty neglected. I have a full acre+ planted so I am just going to hope for the best. We are in southern Caddo county & the frost warning stops @ Caddo. I will play it by ear Saturday night. The corn-- I could maybe save half with the sprinkler. May cover a few tomatoes if they are loaded down. If my garden was smaller the battle wouldn't seem so big!

Mitzi those poor leghorns pen was full of feathers, looked like snow. But now they are feathered out so pretty. Your Cochin will rebound nice. Someone needs to do a day by day moult photo documentary. Amazing how fast they fill back in, and how fast they loose it all!
Took advantage of the cool weather & made a large lot of black eye peas that I am enjoying with corn bread. No one else in my house eats black eye peas so going to freeze the rest in small servings just for me.
Also made a yummy batch of red beans & rice for DH to share with his guys tomorrow. Not sure why I can't get my kids to eat red beans.... But at least I have some one to share it with.
Think tomorrow I am going to make some black bean soup. Never made it before, not sure i have ever even eaten it---- but found some recipes with rave reviews, so worth a try right?

Anyone want to share their favorite soup recipes? I have to eat soup when it is cold out, love to experiment making different kinds.
This isn't a soup recipe, but it is good and easy. My Gma always called it "Jacob's Guile" You saute onions and olive oil and brown rice, then add lentils and water or chicken/veggie stock simmer until rice and lentils are done you do not want this soupy it should be oatmeal consistancy. Then you make a salad w/ whatever fixings you want, but there are some important additives to the salad it must have, mint leaves, strong flavored cheese (feta, sharp cheddar etc....) and balsamic vinegar. You scoop a serving mound of the hot lentils in the center of a plate ring it w/ the cool salad w/ those must have ingredients and enjoy. One of my very favorites.
Kass I will have to try that recipe. Taking all the gluten & sugar out of my diet in hopes of helping some of my pain. We are experimenting with lots of different stuff.
When I came home with 10+ lbs of different dry beans Taron said & who exactly is eating those? I make a bunch of beans for soups every fall guess she has never noticed it before.
Kass, Ara does look rather masculine :-( The splotchier pattern on the wings is suspiciously male. Joe could probably tell for sure, he's good with those color types early on. I've GOT to have one of those fuzzy NN's! How cute is that???
Christina, I'm glad you're getting out at least some, hoping for the best for you.

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