***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Rinda, it quite possibly is too cold for them. They need to be fully feathered and the 2 younger groups probably aren't. Is there a way to put a heating pad underneath where they sleep? Like in a pillowcase or something so they don't get it dirty? I'd use a heat lamp but be very very careful to secure it in 2 places. People have lost their chicks when the heat lamp fell and burned everything up.
People have lost their houses because heat lamps started fires too. :/
Well, I have decided to get rid of all my chickens except my naked necks my ameracaunas and my olive eggers. Anybody have suggestions on what breeds you couldn't do without?

I love my Dominiques. I have been very strict with myself about having only one LF breed. I really like my bantam Cochins a lot though. I might actually like them better than the Doms.
MJ, it's great to see you! Hooray for the little chilled baby-good for you, I'm glad you found him in time.
The Cochin yard was so covered in feathers yesterday it looked like it snowed. I went running through the gate just certain I'd find one of my precious Cochins got killed. Everyone was safe and accounted for and I picked up the Blue girl to tell her how glad I was no one was hurt and I swear-1/4 a chicken's worth of feathers just fell off
. She was born July 11' so this is her 1st molt and it's a tough one. She looks so bald and can't take a single step without leaving feathers behind. Man, I've never seen a chicken molt so bad. 2 of the Silkies I got from Betsy last year look exactly like pincushions. My little Serama (bless his pointed head) has been molting for weeks but at least he didn't do it all at once.
My poor Cochin girl.
Oh my gosh. My silkie is molting. A silkie in full molt is just about the funniest, ugliest thing I can imagine.
Took advantage of the cool weather & made a large lot of black eye peas that I am enjoying with corn bread. No one else in my house eats black eye peas so going to freeze the rest in small servings just for me.
Also made a yummy batch of red beans & rice for DH to share with his guys tomorrow. Not sure why I can't get my kids to eat red beans.... But at least I have some one to share it with.
Think tomorrow I am going to make some black bean soup. Never made it before, not sure i have ever even eaten it---- but found some recipes with rave reviews, so worth a try right?
Anyone want to share their favorite soup recipes? I have to eat soup when it is cold out, love to experiment making different kinds.

I really like plain ol' pinto beans with ham hocks. Just like my mama used to make 'em. Rinse and soak your beans overnight. In the morning cover 'em with chicken stock in a slow cooker and cook 'em all day. 'Bout halfway through the day brown the hocks in a big skillet and add them to the beans. Throw in some onion and garlic to saute in the pan you used to brown the hocks, and when they're translucent add 'em to the slow cooker. Deglaze your skillet with some more chicken stock, then throw that in the cooker too. You can serve it with cornbread, or over brown rice. You can also make it vegan by using water instead of chicken stock, leaving out the hocks, and sauteing the veggies in olive oil. I'd add chiles and maybe some diced red bell pepper if making it vegan. Also, it needs salt if you're not adding ham hocks.
Don't worry, my beans aren't vegan. I start them all with onions, peppers, garlic & celery sautéd in bacon fat just to make them extra healthy.

DH said everyone was ready eating the red beans & rice @8 AM so guess it turned out good.
I was looking out the back door & see Taron walking with chickens in her arms. I am thinking they are hurt, sick or something. Nope, she said they were cold. Poor NN were trying to snuggle under the bigger chickens but they wouldn't let them snuggle. She bought them up & put them in a small coop with a few similar sized birds to keep them warm. Think there are 6 or 8 birds now snuggling inside a plastic dog box within the quarantine coop. She added a couple of dog boxes to give them small places to keep warm. The big birds & goats are out grazing in the yard having a good time, the cold weather isnt bothering them at all.
"I really like plain ol' pinto beans with ham hocks." Pintos are our family favorite but mother cooked them in water. I have two pounds simmering now after soaking and rinsing last night. I'll add the hocks and veggies this noon. I'm cooking this for tomorrow and to freeze some. If I could find bacon rind I would use that. Mother would serve them over cornbread or pan fried potatoes. I've never been able to do a good job frying potatoes.

My two Barred Rocks don't like this cold at all. When I went out to close them up last night they were cuddled up together in a nest box. First time as far as I know, they have been happy roost users.
The Red lentil soup recipe I think I got offline and the comments at the end came with it.

If you like reading cookbooks I like "the Brilliant Bean" by Sally and Martin Stone. Contents include Basics, Sandwich Spreads, Soups, Sides, Salads Desserts and Baked Goods, has an interesting recipe for vegetarian black bean soup spiked with Bourbon that I haven't and won't try, I prefer mine straight up.

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