***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Does it matter which variety of potatoes you use? Covered or uncovered?
I try all types, doesn't seem to make a big difference. Since I boil them first I may cover them for a moment (just until I know they are tender) then I uncover them so they can get crispy. I like the crispy brown pieces on my fried potatoes. My mom & grandma would cook them covered in a cast iron skillet for what seemed like forever. But if I keep them covered I can't get the brown parts I like.
I haven't been on the thread for 2 1/2 weeks. I wish I could grade papers as fast as Okies can add to the thread. I took a much needed sanity break and read all the posts and marveled at the wonderful pictures people have added. Thanks, everyone, for the satisfying chicken fix.

Joe - I'm going to send you a PM about the Green Country Poultry Swap. I plan to be there.

New thread members: WELCOME!!! You're going to learn a lot from the people you meet online.

Kass - Your NN babies are wonderful. Mine are growing quickly. They are enjoying a coop and run outside already. I hope they do well in this cooler weather.

Back to my "to grade" stack. Report cards go out on Monday, so I've got some work to do. Take care, everyone. Keep posting : )
Good Saturday morning to everybody! It`s 45°F and cloudy here this morning! Is it too early to say Brrrrr?

This is a variation of my feed mix, I just added some greens, diced tomato and dry cat food to the boiled eggs seasoned w/ Cayenne Pepper, I will add the scratch grains and crumbles when I get down to the barn.

I hope y`all have a great day!

I was looking out the back door & see Taron walking with chickens in her arms. I am thinking they are hurt, sick or something. Nope, she said they were cold. Poor NN were trying to snuggle under the bigger chickens but they wouldn't let them snuggle. She bought them up & put them in a small coop with a few similar sized birds to keep them warm. Think there are 6 or 8 birds now snuggling inside a plastic dog box within the quarantine coop. She added a couple of dog boxes to give them small places to keep warm. The big birds & goats are out grazing in the yard having a good time, the cold weather isnt bothering them at all.
rofl! Your daughter reminds me so much of mine haha! Mine is 32 now, she never did outgrow that sort of stuff. Taron's going to make a great mother someday :)
I haven't been on the thread for 2 1/2 weeks. I wish I could grade papers as fast as Okies can add to the thread. I took a much needed sanity break and read all the posts and marveled at the wonderful pictures people have added. Thanks, everyone, for the satisfying chicken fix.

Joe - I'm going to send you a PM about the Green Country Poultry Swap. I plan to be there.

New thread members: WELCOME!!! You're going to learn a lot from the people you meet online.

Kass - Your NN babies are wonderful. Mine are growing quickly. They are enjoying a coop and run outside already. I hope they do well in this cooler weather.

Back to my "to grade" stack. Report cards go out on Monday, so I've got some work to do. Take care, everyone. Keep posting : )
I have been putting mine outside during the day on nice days, but they are a bit young I thought to be outside during this cold snap (still between 2 and 3 wks old) but they are off a heat lamp entirely. They are spoiled to eating the bugs, and really are disliking not being out during the day. They are already roosting, they started that several days ago.
Quote: I have never browned my ham hock, onions or garlic. I just throw everything into my soaked beans and cook in a heavy covered pot on top of the stove, on low, all night. With the lid and heavy enamel pot, I don't worry about them burning because they don't lose a lot of liquid. When I soak the beans, I cover them with water to about an inch above the beans, bring them to a gentle boil, turn off the heat and let them set for an hour. That softens them enough to cook.

I am going to try the chicken stock and browned onions next time I make them. I do like to put a lot of fresh, crushed, garlic in my pinto beans.

Hopefully, after a few days of this cooler weather we will have some moderate temperatures for the rest of the month. I am not ready to pen up the teenage birds for cold weather, for very long.
Welcome!!! My boys are now 8 and 10 and the 8 year old raises Banty Cochins. 10 year old raises OEGB. I like that they are small and take up less space than my LF birds and certianly eat less, lol.
Hi all and a nice chilly day it is, was out this morning in it, cool and damp, light wind, nice snuggle weather!!! I must say we grew up on pinto beans and fried potatoes!! i love a plate with crumbled cornbread, fried potatoes and pinto beans all piled up in that order, then salt pepper and a little minced onion on top, stir it all up and eat it!!! It made me grow!!! my GGrandma put on a water bath canner size pot of beans every Monday morning and we ate two meals a day with pinto beans as the main course all week!!! AND I still love pinto beans today!!! But as soup goes my favorite has to be my Grandmother's Monkey Soup (otherwise know to others as Hamburger soup!!! LOL) But my "Nanny" (as we called her) made this for her little monkeys as she called us all the time, it is a tomato juice(or I use V-8) based, hamburger meat(browned with diced onion, salt and black pepper) and mixed veggie soup! I love it with hot cornbread on a cold day, always eat so much I regret it all night but it's worth it to me as is the memories of my Nanny!!! Welcome to all the newcomers, jump in and enjoy our forum! Hope all has a warm and happy evening!! Lynn

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