***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Hi all! I have been off for a while. Popping in to say hi!

Besty.... that is horrible about the mountain loins in your area. But I don't think that I believe him about them extending their range this far into the state from another state.

City chickens have our animal problems too. Unresponsible owners let their dogs run. Last week we lost all of our laying hens and our one Silkie (I think the one we bought from you) :( Due to stray/let loose dogs. We got out back too late to catch them or else there would be dead dogs.

I called animal control and there is nothing they can do. They can't prove whose dog it was even if we saw it. :(

Sooo.... no more chicken tractors for us. :( From now on our chickens have to be kept up in their coop and run where it is safer.

I am looking for 5 more chicks/pullets/young hens if anyone has any for sale.

We miss our girls.
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We have started sprouting fodder for our chickens and rabbits. I do one lb of wheat or buckwheat, or other grain in a tray with holes. I pour water over them 2-3 times a day and let it drain. In about 6-8 days the grain has sprouted to about 4-5 inches and I feed it to the chickens and rabbits.

It will stretch my feed budget. I still have to give grit and calcium. But this will help.
PLEASE!!! PLEASE!!!!!!! Don't re-locate them!!!
They will just find another poultry lover and start killing their birds. Once they get a taste of poultry,
they won't go back to eating their natural prey.
They're worse than raccoons.

BTW, When I called the game warden, I told him of my birds getting killed. He denied there were any bob cats anywhere near the area. Found out later they had released 2 females and a male over a year prior to that just up the road.
don't worry no relocate will be done just a bite of excavating and fertilizing. The live trap is so I don't get the wrong animal .
Yeah, sold two turkeys this week and have orders for two processed turkeys for Thanksgiving. Not thrilled with having to process for someone else but I'm thrilled we are finally selling them. We've finally found some local farmers/poultry owners to gab with and exchange some products with. The co-op often has free produce to give away too. Thinking maybe I'll take some of my extras in to share since we've taken things a couple of times. We got okra yesterday and made 4 pints of pickled okra which is great because I have just enough okra growing to provide us with some fried okra about once a week. We love the stuff.

I've been so busy canning/preserving stuff. This week so far I've done pickled okra, pickle relish, salsa, nectarine jam, fruit leather, dried eggplant, and dried basil. And I have a pile of jalapenos to do something with plus more cucumbers and eggplant.

Love hearing about all the boys taking care of their girls, especially the one about the dog toy tomato. That's pretty funny! Our roo Onyx is great with his girls too but has decided to start knocking on the back door every day about 3:00. We can't figure out why because we can't see anything wrong so he's driving us nuts. I left them in their run today instead of letting them out because I thought maybe that would break the cycle. We'll see.

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