***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Sooner, PM me your email address and I will send you my chow chow recipe.

MJ, sorry your vacation is over

Thank you again for all the well wishes! I feel much better today. A residual headache isn't going to keep me from cleaning cages and moving Momma hen into a clean floor pen. I gave her the five chicks that hatched yesterday and she took them...so she has one brown d'Anver chick and 9 little Delawares. I'm already sure by his actions he's a he. Then I'm moving a broody to a wall cage in preparation for her egg to chick transition. Two babies hatched yesterday and 4 are expected today.

We had a coyote take a juvenile Wednesday morning...probably paced the outside of the pen until one got excited enough to fly over the fence. Have put up the coop screens the past two nights to keep them in the coops. He has been back leaving his poop to mark territory, but has left with no meal.
I finally got my hens all settled and not very happy with their life at the moment. Got them yesterday and so my life with chickens begins! They were in their coop most of yesterday and I am "borrowing" an ugly rooster from the neighbor until I get my own roo (oh good gracious he has been molting and has no tail and a bare bottom! He is SO stressed out he will not come out of the coop. Poor guy.). My four girls are doing quite well but one has very loose poo. Is there something I can give her for it or does it normally work itself out? I figured it may be from the stress of moving. What I wanted to ask is how long do you think I should leave them all in the coop? The kid I bought them from said at least a week but I wanted to ask some experienced adult chicken owners. They are normally free range chickens and I feel so bad having to keep them all cooped up in the coop. I don't want them to go stir crazy but I also want them to not go back to the neighbor (get them use to this being their home). Either way I am SO excited about my little hens
! They have such personality!

If they came from the neighbor then yes I would pen them for a week so they don't wander back. Congrats!!!! The watery poo could be from the stress of moving. They will also stop laying eggs for about two weeks from the stress. If she is still having poo issues after 2 weeks you might try other options like worming.
You all chatter more than the girl Guineas lol
I'm as happy as True5, I think. 2 breeds I've wanted for a very long time are Standard Cornish & pure Shamo. I've found BOTH! I'm very excited, we're going in a little while to get supplies to finish 2 pens. The Cornish are coming from here on the list, I'd hug him publicly but I don't want to embarrass him ;) I'm going to learn to caponize and eventually maybe process. Nice LF Cornish are SO cool looking. Melons with feet.
The 2 Shamo hens' brother won reserve of his class at Newcastle-maybe someone can explain to me what that means :idunno. Doesn't matter to me, I just know the 2 hens are gorgeous and huge. The breeder is going to help me find a real nice male, she's a super nice lady!
Happy chicken week!
Guess who has her tickets already to the Doctor 50th anniversary 3 D movie!!!!!! Thanks to an amazing husband who took time from his day off to secure them for her!!!!!
You all chatter more than the girl Guineas lol
I'm as happy as True5, I think. 2 breeds I've wanted for a very long time are Standard Cornish & pure Shamo. I've found BOTH! I'm very excited, we're going in a little while to get supplies to finish 2 pens. The Cornish are coming from here on the list, I'd hug him publicly but I don't want to embarrass him
I'm going to learn to caponize and eventually maybe process. Nice LF Cornish are SO cool looking. Melons with feet.
The 2 Shamo hens' brother won reserve of his class at Newcastle-maybe someone can explain to me what that means
. Doesn't matter to me, I just know the 2 hens are gorgeous and huge. The breeder is going to help me find a real nice male, she's a super nice lady!
Happy chicken week!
That is enough to do a happy dance!
Happy for you! It always helps to have friendly nice people to help out.
Guess who has her tickets already to the Doctor 50th anniversary 3 D movie!!!!!! Thanks to an amazing husband who took time from his day off to secure them for her!!!!!
While I'm not a Who fan, I know what a big fan you are and I'm very happy for you!! What a wonderful guy he is and I'm thrilled you get to go :)
Happy Friday everyone!!
I second that!!! Happy Friday!!!

Sooner, PM me your email address and I will send you my chow chow recipe.

MJ, sorry your vacation is over

Thank you again for all the well wishes! I feel much better today. A residual headache isn't going to keep me from cleaning cages and moving Momma hen into a clean floor pen. I gave her the five chicks that hatched yesterday and she took them...so she has one brown d'Anver chick and 9 little Delawares. I'm already sure by his actions he's a he. Then I'm moving a broody to a wall cage in preparation for her egg to chick transition. Two babies hatched yesterday and 4 are expected today.

We had a coyote take a juvenile Wednesday morning...probably paced the outside of the pen until one got excited enough to fly over the fence. Have put up the coop screens the past two nights to keep them in the coops. He has been back leaving his poop to mark territory, but has left with no meal.
You coyote will not leave if he got one meal he will not go until he gets another or dies of lead poisoning...

Guess who has her tickets already to the Doctor 50th anniversary 3 D movie!!!!!! Thanks to an amazing husband who took time from his day off to secure them for her!!!!!
Holy Crap I did not know the tickets were available. Guess I will be buying tickets first thing in the morning.... Whoot! Whoot! I love me some Doctor...
Congrats on the birds Mitzi...nice to realize your dreams!
And Kass...your hubby knows the way to your heart for sure!

A few stories from today:
Noticed a Hooker's hawk flying around watching chickens. So the dogs came out and sat in the Ranger. Red kept his eye out and barked warning for the flock. Good thing the chickens speak dog.

Cleaned the floor pen for the Mom and chicks, added fresh chips and two nests and feeding areas. One close to a red heat lamp raised 30 inches off the floor. Added the hen and 10 chicks. she immediately called the babies to the feeder and water. Then she wanted them to join her on the roost bar 18 inches off the floor.."yeah, right"...those little peanuts said...so the roost bar came out. Mom then decided that the hay in one nest looked full of wheat seed and she proceeded to scratch it out calling her babies in for the finds. So that nest box disappeared. Explore, eat, sleep, water, explore, destroy the other nest and finally settle on a corner by the door into the floor pen. Will have to see where they are in the morning.

Since I've been so sick, I just fed and watered and didn't clean the Bantam cages. There were some castles to the Poop god growing under the roost bars. These magnificent structures included molting feathers and were packed into the floor wire. And there were some tasty looking larvae wiggling thru the wet feed in the pull out trays. Ended up using two 6 inch pieces of tin, one on the underside and one on the inside crisscrossing as I scraped so they cut thru the poop mortar like scissors. The birds showed their appreciation by pooping on the clean floor and dropping their feed thru to the tray below.

And finally, checked Beau because he was looked peaked...he has been thru so much in the past two weeks and was enjoying the past several days on the floor with the two broody moms with their older chicks. Anyway, shock of shock he has feather lice! I scheduled him for a spa treatment and in the meantime, checked every bird in that room for mites...found no feather lice but a couple with regular mites. They squawked their displeasure at having to show their bums to the farmer's wife.
Once Beau's appointment arrived he was rushed into the house and got a three step sitz bath, a fluff and blow dry with a little snack as he enjoyed the soft music and dim light under the warmer and vent to finish his hour. He enjoyed the whole process but was overjoyed to be carried back to his hen harem knowing the piece of pear in my hand was going to be all his since all the girls were already at roost. Such a lucky sweet boy.

So ends the day at the farm. Sure glad I felt good today.
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Nana, you crack me up :lau Love the descriptive phrases lol And all your efforts were in vain, al they want is a clean place to poop!
Love the Beau saga. Poor boy, I hope he makes a full recovery. Although I suspect he'll play it out for all it's worth :-

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