***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I had a lot die like that this Summer. It was not cociddiosis (sp). I think it was some kind of bacteria? Jack lost a lot that way too. We both lost a lot of Wheatens; Jack- Marans, and me - Ameraucanas. We think the breeds with narrow bloodlines are more susceptible to what even it was because my Ameraucana chicks that are Wheaten/Blue crosses all survived but none of my pure Wheatens! I don't know if I want to cross those 1/2 Wheatens back to my pure Wheatens and strenghten the bloodline of sell all my Wheatens. I feel pretty busy with my 2 Cochin projects - Self-Blue and Mille Fleur. I will NEVER give up my Cochins but those Ameraucanas sure are pretty.

I had trouble with Isbars from February until August with the exact same type of problem, I would lose all the chicks one at a time from 3-4 weeks. If I was really careful and dosed them with Tetroxy HCA I might manage to save one out of 10-15. Did OSU testing and found out the hens were passing e. coli bacteria to the chicks through the eggs. Poor things didn't stand a chance. Had to get an RX from a vet to cure the adults, Bactrim. Just as I finished up the Bactrim regimen a neighborhood dog got into my yard, ripped their run door open, and killed my rooster. Of course.
Vet said in his opinion it was from whomever I got my hens from and had been passed to them via the egg. I just got lucky I was able to raise them to maturity (they were hatching eggs). Won't buy from that breeder ever again.
Spent this morning in the ER for dehydration from a bad bug that started thru the night Tuesday. Could not eat. Montezumas revenge and a temp of 101.

Jcatblum. Glad to hear you like the shampoo bar.
Hope you are getting better!!!

I had trouble with Isbars from February until August with the exact same type of problem, I would lose all the chicks one at a time from 3-4 weeks. If I was really careful and dosed them with Tetroxy HCA I might manage to save one out of 10-15. Did OSU testing and found out the hens were passing e. coli bacteria to the chicks through the eggs. Poor things didn't stand a chance. Had to get an RX from a vet to cure the adults, Bactrim. Just as I finished up the Bactrim regimen a neighborhood dog got into my yard, ripped their run door open, and killed my rooster. Of course.
Vet said in his opinion it was from whomever I got my hens from and had been passed to them via the egg. I just got lucky I was able to raise them to maturity (they were hatching eggs). Won't buy from that breeder ever again.
Holy crap! Great I did not relies e coli could be pasted through the eggs.
Uno is a boy for sure, none of the two-note calls and has the curved side wattles. I've got to get a pic and post it. He is really pretty. You can have him. I know he will get a good home.

:hugs Thank you! It's good he's only been raised around chickens, too. The Guinea we had for all those years was a lone Guinea also. He had no idea he was a Guinea until i got 5 more when he was 11
These little lavender keets just seem really weak. I don't know if I'll end up with any out of that group.
@artsyrobin, Puff is chugging along, thanks for asking! She's now eating and drinking on her own so I don't have to stand there and hold it for her, which means she's beginning to stretch the forming skin out a little. I tried taking her outside, but one of the other hens was trying to challenge her, and it was a little chilly. She ended up standing in one place shivering, so I tucked her under my jacket, and we sat there in the fresh air until the other hens went inside and I could lock up.

I'm wondering if maybe it's time to switch what I'm putting on her skin, from the antibiotic type spray to maybe something with aloe or lanolin or something that will help soften the forming scar tissue. I'm also worried about this tuft on the top front of her breast... she looks like she has a bowtie that hasn't been tied right. I'm worried that it could be a health problem for her later.

I'm going to try to get her out a little more this weekend during the warmest part of the day. She needs some fresh bugs and greens and a little exercise. I'll get some pics of her and the new grey girls I got from mjgigax that are SO pretty.
it wouldn't hurt to use lanolin, it is amazing stuff- my granmother many decades ago swore by it, i have found it really is great as skin is growing in- the other hens won't know her, so eventually she will need the gradual integration treatment

Quote: what are you feeding the keets- i always use game bird feed for mine
been awhile since I have been here, been covered up with life. got a new picture of my 7 month old slw
roo and some of the girls richard

They're pretty! I've got 2 6 wk olds nd 2 1 month olds but I don't think mine are going to be as colorful and hefty as yours. Where did you get them? Did you hatch them yourself? Beautiful!
I finally got my hens all settled and not very happy with their life at the moment. Got them yesterday and so my life with chickens begins! They were in their coop most of yesterday and I am "borrowing" an ugly rooster from the neighbor until I get my own roo (oh good gracious he has been molting and has no tail and a bare bottom! He is SO stressed out he will not come out of the coop. Poor guy.). My four girls are doing quite well but one has very loose poo. Is there something I can give her for it or does it normally work itself out? I figured it may be from the stress of moving. What I wanted to ask is how long do you think I should leave them all in the coop? The kid I bought them from said at least a week but I wanted to ask some experienced adult chicken owners. They are normally free range chickens and I feel so bad having to keep them all cooped up in the coop. I don't want them to go stir crazy but I also want them to not go back to the neighbor (get them use to this being their home). Either way I am SO excited about my little hens
! They have such personality!

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