***OKIES in the BYC III ***

@Kyzmette how is puff doing??

Christine! Good to hear you kept that pup- love to see pics

Nana- take care of yourself!!

Here is the second to last egg to hatch, the other will be another few days

Mitzi she lost Fat Louie early this summer, he got weak & never grew strong again. Taron actually doesn't have any favorite birds right now. She hasn't hatched since June, I said it had to stop before moving into the new house. She is kinda into horses right now. She helps the neighbors with her minis & the neighbor will send a few extras over to our place for Taron to break. Taron is getting pretty good with them. We have a nice shed that I want to get spray foamed & let her have for hatching & brooders--- just can't get DH to agree yet.

Nana take care, trips to the ER are never fun. We have made about 30 lbs of soap the last month, my mud room smells amazing! DH said we should cure soap in every room.

MJ Tell Jack we said hi. I am sure Taron wouldn't deny a guinea that needed a home, but my flock isn't good at accepting outsiders unless they are hens. The males are big on defending their ladies. Did your house survive the government shut down? Josh was suppose to finish his command in 2 wks, but TDY was put on hold & now it will be 1st wk in Dec before his replacement shows up.

Robin I will get some pics of the pup, I have LOTS of pics of her, but got to be a good pic to post it!
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@artsyrobin, Puff is chugging along, thanks for asking! She's now eating and drinking on her own so I don't have to stand there and hold it for her, which means she's beginning to stretch the forming skin out a little. I tried taking her outside, but one of the other hens was trying to challenge her, and it was a little chilly. She ended up standing in one place shivering, so I tucked her under my jacket, and we sat there in the fresh air until the other hens went inside and I could lock up.

I'm wondering if maybe it's time to switch what I'm putting on her skin, from the antibiotic type spray to maybe something with aloe or lanolin or something that will help soften the forming scar tissue. I'm also worried about this tuft on the top front of her breast... she looks like she has a bowtie that hasn't been tied right. I'm worried that it could be a health problem for her later.

I'm going to try to get her out a little more this weekend during the warmest part of the day. She needs some fresh bugs and greens and a little exercise. I'll get some pics of her and the new grey girls I got from mjgigax that are SO pretty.
@artsyrobin, Puff is chugging along, thanks for asking! She's now eating and drinking on her own so I don't have to stand there and hold it for her, which means she's beginning to stretch the forming skin out a little. I tried taking her outside, but one of the other hens was trying to challenge her, and it was a little chilly. She ended up standing in one place shivering, so I tucked her under my jacket, and we sat there in the fresh air until the other hens went inside and I could lock up.

I'm wondering if maybe it's time to switch what I'm putting on her skin, from the antibiotic type spray to maybe something with aloe or lanolin or something that will help soften the forming scar tissue. I'm also worried about this tuft on the top front of her breast... she looks like she has a bowtie that hasn't been tied right. I'm worried that it could be a health problem for her later.

I'm going to try to get her out a little more this weekend during the warmest part of the day. She needs some fresh bugs and greens and a little exercise. I'll get some pics of her and the new grey girls I got from mjgigax that are SO pretty.

Glad to hear she is pulling out of it! Honestly shock is the biggest worry, infection second. Now that she's eating and drinking hopefully she's make it.
Christina, horses live a a lot longer, maybe it's good Taron's switching gears. I'm sorry about Fat Louie. I think of him every time I hear a really cool chicken name.
MJ, I'll take your male Guinea if no one with a flock takes him. I love the males, the females not so much :-/ Are you sure it's a male? He makes a loud cackling noise and not the 800 decibel 2-syllable sound? We lost our 13 yr old Guinea boy last spring, I really miss having a boy. I have 3 Lavender keets I got from the auction (had 6 and lost 3). I was going to just place the girls and keep any boys. Your boy could be head honcho because these little ones won't be out in the yard til spring. It's up to you. If you feel a flock with girls is better for him then i sure understand.
Nana, get lots of rest!, I feel for you.
Here's one of the 3 Asil chicks I just got, I'm hoping it feathers out with spangles. The're sure calm chicks.

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