***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Don't know how many Big Bang fans are on this thread, but those of you that are will understand what I'm about to say. Sheldon's mother calls him "one of God's special people". Well I have a Sheldon in Audra, one of God's special people. In addition to all my previous Audra drama, now his hormones are kicking in and telling him to mount, but his common sense isn't telling him NOT to try and mount Shakespear, the head roo. I have been watching and am positive it is a confusion thing and not an attempt to usurp Shakespear's head status.
Maybe if you rename one of your pullets Penny, Audra will settle down.
Don't know how many Big Bang fans are on this thread, but those of you that are will understand what I'm about to say.  Sheldon's mother calls him "one of God's special people".  Well I have a Sheldon in Audra, one of God's special people.  In addition to all my previous Audra drama, now his hormones are kicking in and telling him to mount, but his common sense isn't telling him NOT to try and mount Shakespear, the head roo.  I have been watching and am positive it is a confusion thing and not an attempt to usurp Shakespear's head status.

Maybe if you rename one of your pullets Penny, Audra will settle down.  

Maybe it's like the song "a boy named Sue". change Audra's name Audran and see if HE likes it better. Good thing Shakespear is a tolerant leader.
My Buff Orpington Bantams are 26 weeks old. Not an egg in sight, and their 'Combs are still Pink'. I caught one going into the Coop, so maybe she's giving it some thought. Waiting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Only Cochins I have checking out nest boxes right now are roos!
I don't know which is worse - girls with no interest in laying or girls that insist on being broody.
I wanted to share some information with everyone here about the City of Oklahoma City Council meeting on approving urban chickens. It is set for public hearing on Feb. 27th. While I live in the country and am not regulated by these statues, I don't believe that people in town should be restricted from keeping them. Because I am building a development in Edmond and have been privy to city council meetings in Edmond, I am also aware that the City of Edmond is waiting to see what happens in Oklahoma City before making a decision about chickens in Edmond. So if you live in either of those area's or if you just want to support the cause, I recommend attending and showing support. If I can ever get the links to post on here, I would also recommend sharing it on facebook sites.
Robyn, how is your friend's bird this evening?

Diana, it was nice talking chicken with you this afternoon.

Settled babies under the hens. The Wyandotte has 7 chicks and the two Bantam Delawares are sharing their 5 chicks. Now they are moving chicks back and forth instead of eggs...so comical to watch. By morning I bet those chicks will be more dizzy than a termite in a yo yo.
By morning I bet those chicks will be more dizzy than a termite in a yo yo.
I like that one......
@NanaKat enough that now she is saying she has to get her back outside!LOL! i hope she has a better set up for them, non drafty

question for you all, been reading on wryneck, have a hen that is dealing with that or an injury, has anyone one heard of using tumemric herb for wry? this poor girl is cockeyed, and trembling, tonight she has been unable to use her left side, am thinking neurological-

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