***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Thank you guys for the advice. I will do just that. I will wait to put them in tomorrow and see what happens.
Hand turning is going to really stink.

I need to pick brains. Here is the scenario. Pullet that is one week shy of 3 mo old. Had been placed with bantam group so the group could be integrated with the others so they can start to be outside. It proved to be a negative experience for them so they are all moved back indoors. The boys are taken away, then one girl leaving one other pullet with her. She and the other were medicated for respiratory junk just recently. They got over it very quickly so no more symptoms. Now the symptoms are that she is fluffed up and head kept where neck is gone in her feathers. Tail down except when walking around (what little she does) when outside only. She has lost weight. Her poop is green but normal. She and the other have been put outside when it is warmest and she wants to go puff up and sit in her box and not do anything. The other pullet sees this and just follows but still does her own thing while other is a party pooper and doesn't want to even peck anything. (Maybe it's still too new to be outside?). They are kept in a large tub mainly in the evening in the garage. She has been given poly-vi-sol. Probiotics. Tylan. What would be your first instinct on how to treat? She had cocci when she was younger and was treated successfully. I just don't know what step to take next with her. She will eat when I give them goodies like yogurt or hard boiled egg. Should I try treating for cocci again? She is still pink in the face and poop is ok. Maybe Deramyacin? Guess it wouldn't hurt. Oh, and she has been dewormed with horse dewormer just the other day. Sorry this is so long. I just honestly don't know how to treat her. I don't know if it's just depression or what. Wish they could have little thought bubbles above their head...
Speaking of shipped eggs... got my eggs from Haritage farm and poultry in Arkansas (same guy I got my Light Sussex only I DROVE to get those eggs! Hatched 9/10 of them!). I am SO irritated with the post office!!!
Dennis had wrote on the box in big red marker "HOLD" and my number. What did they not understand from that!?!?!? Grrrr.... so the lady who delivers our mail had it in her car all yesterday, driving all over her route with my eggs just bopping around in her car. And then this morning (I called them yesterday and they said they didn't have it) "Oh, uh, we have a box that has your number on it." So I picked them up and brought them home. ALL OF THEM HAVE DETATCHED AIR CELLS.
I'm so frustrated. I know it wasn't all from the lady driving it around... allllll day in her car. But still! Could people not handle these things a little more gentle? So yah. They are now about 9 days old and damaged internally. There goes my hatch rate. I am letting them sit over night. I don't have much of a choice. This is why I drive over an hour and a half to pick up my eggs. Sheesh. Sorry but I really needed to vent to the only people I know that understands this.

EDIT: On a good note, our little Thorin (19 week old Lav Orp) found his voice today! He tried to crow! Well... he tried over a dozen times. Tried. LOL!
Goofy guy. He'll have to practice-
I had 2 boxes of eggs yesterday, both marked well with "hold for pickup" and my phone number, delivered to my house. Most have detached air cells, I feel your frustration!
Mycoplasma synoviae
Clinical signs: Birds infected with the synovitis form show lameness, followed by lethargy, reluctance to move, swollen joints, stilted gait, loss of weight, and formation of breast blisters. Greenish diarrhea is common in dying birds

one thing i have learned though- in the last year or so i have lost birds to some mysterious illness, fading away- with the loss of Licorice i have finally discovered what i am dealing with and it is extremely common MG(Mycoplasma synoviae) lameness, followed by lethargy, reluctance to move, swollen joints, stilted gait, loss of weight, and formation of breast blisters. Greenish diarrhea is common in dying birds - this has been an eye opener, very common and treatable! So now the plan for any bird showing weight loss and lethargy - all have been wormed etc. is getting them on duraguard- 2 T per gal of water plus 1 c sugar,(sole source of water) it taste so bad they won't drink it otherwise- then once a month they get a repeat dose- so maybe things will settle down

Quote: Thinking Little Joe, but that probably change

Meanwhile in the bantam pen, The Princess Pricilla has gone broody....couldn't find her, but had heard her growling earlier, she was behind the nest box...

Robin, you could always go with Joey or Joseph. He's so little compared to even Channing.

True-deworm them with Safeguard. Even Wazine for roundworms if that's all you've got. I've been reading up on roundworms, it's one of the biggest killers of chicks and so easily treated.
I think that's what I lost quite a few to. I was so busy giving injections and treating for coccidia that I didn't treat for the one common thing that it probably was-roundworms.
I know i'm so excited it took a few months but now i am finding little ones
I have been thinking about starting a meal worm farm or two. Once for chicken food and second for money. The pet stores charge $2.50 for 50 meal worms. That is pretty expensive in my opinion. Just saying!

That is a GREAT idea!!! Yes, I want to name him that but my son (he's 5) is hooked on the name Noodle LOL!
I love the name Noodle. I have a rooster I may have to name that.. hehehe!

Anyone got any trios or quads for sale we like orpingtons or Marans of uncommon colors and anything kinda rare or "exotic" as my wife says lol
Maryjo has blue and splash marans.

Last night, I moved some cock birds around to change up some pens. The Blue Columbian Wyandotte #14 had been in a pen of Blue Columbian hens. I replaced him with a young Columbian cock. I guess it broke his heart that I replaced him because I found him dead this morning on the floor in the layer room. He was an energetic breeder and had no injuries that I could find. Good thing I have eggs in the incubator and still have #7 and #3.
I'm giving Beau, my big Columbian Wyandotte cock, a break since his fertility has been low. He sure enjoyed getting out this morning to free range and socialize with some of the layer hens...he was calling them to treats and trying to be amorous.
Samson, my oldest Cochin, was keeping his chosen White hens away from Beau. He would ooo-ooo and then herd them away.
We had two more calves thru the night. One has a little white heart shaped spot on its forehead.
That is so sad about your rooster.

I can't find any leghorns local and shipping eggs from Oregon or North Carolina is a little far. Has anyone hatched eggs shipped a long distance??

I'm probably going to suck it up and order from a hatchery. Any bias opinions on the best hatchery?? I've used Cackle Hatchery once before with no issues. I just picked them bc they are close.

If anyone would like to combine an order I'm all for it.

We are gonna bundle up and go to the auction in Inola Saturday so maybe I can find some chickies there. Anyone else going?
Welp hatchery has red, silver and brown leghorns. I have bought eggs from just about all the hatcheries, Welp and Cackle have been the best. Ideal is closer but I have not had any luck with any birds I have bought from them.

Robin, you could always go with Joey or Joseph. He's so little compared to even Channing.

True-deworm them with Safeguard. Even Wazine for roundworms if that's all you've got. I've been reading up on roundworms, it's one of the biggest killers of chicks and so easily treated.
I think that's what I lost quite a few to. I was so busy giving injections and treating for coccidia that I didn't treat for the one common thing that it probably was-roundworms.
As many of you know I use natural worming and my birds are super healthy. Well I have a couple of turkey hens that have the sinus crude but I just clear their passages and send them on their way because it is obvious a virus since a round of Tylan and Dermimycine did not do anything for them.
Some of you may think this is mean and please don't take it wrong but I do not baby my birds. They had no heat all this winter only shelter to get out of the wind and weather (which my turkeys refused and slept outside. They always had plenty of high protein food and water but that is it. I have only lost two birds all this winter. One was because the ice broke a pole and it fell on him. The other was a hen that I believe was egg bound. I have a few roost My birds are strong and it is my goal to raise them all that way. Come spring when the breeder pens are set up I will be selling LF cochin and Ameraucana eggs and chicks. These are from birds you know are the healthiest and strongest of their breed.
@Notsuperwoman just wanted to show you the eggs I used to hatch those chicks of yours. Bumpers loves me. :D

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I have been thinking about starting a meal worm farm or two. Once for chicken food and second for money. The pet stores charge $2.50 for 50 meal worms. That is pretty expensive in my opinion. Just saying!
yea, they are expensive in my way of thinking too! i have a small lizard and i thought i would be too expensive to keep buying them so i decided to try growing them for my lizard and my chickens.
yea, they are expensive in my way of thinking too! i have a small lizard and i thought i would be too expensive to keep buying them so i decided to try growing them for my lizard and my chickens.
I have a couple of friends who have lizards and they were complaining about how expensive they are at the store. One semester at college we had to do an experiment with meal worms. Mainly just documenting their progression. It was really cool then but that was BC (before chickens) so I did not start them then. Now I really wish I had. I would have a huge colony now if I had..

they are so darn easy to grow, i have them mostly for my starling, and occasionally for the chicks
My chickens would go nuts over them.. I think I may start a batch soon..
I feel like I'm standing here alone looking around wondering where everyone went. Where are you people and what have you done with the chatter mouths of BYC??
Channing loves his hen so much. It's so endearing the way she toddles around after him, she's only 10 ounces, it's just adorable. He'll look back to make sure she's coming. He taught her sunbeaming in the window seat and she's already addicted. He still just flirts with her some and feeds her all she can eat, he hasn't tried to breed her. I kinda hope he never does lol He's been without a hen for all of his 3 yrs so maybe it's the company he likes best. He's grabbed one of the Chihuahua's toys & abused it a few times in the past (much to her horror). When he's done she sneaks up and grabs it (she's scared of him) and buries it under her blanket. Never a dull moment around here :gig
Robin & June-these Seramas go crazy over fermented grain!

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