***OKIES in the BYC III ***

The Cochin I got from the auction is still coughing and sounding croupy. I did Tylan and it didn't work. Maybe a little but not enough to knock this junk out. Where can I purchase

Any discharge from eyes or nostrils?
If no, it might just be stress causing the breathing abnormality.
We're fogged in. I hope everyone got some rain last night. Maybe the ice and snow predicted for the remainder of the weekend will miss us

I'm not going to be able to walk the Camino this summer due to conflicting dates (ordination and end of school), so I'm consoling myself with a new project. Kass is going to let me adopt a NN cockerel who carries the scaleless gene. I've ordered some NN eggs from a breeder who has crossed NN with Marans, and she has two generations laying dark, dark brown eggs. I've also ordered some NN eggs for a breeder who has jubilee NN and mottled NN. The possibilities, ohhhh the possibilities.

This creeping crud has finally knocked me out. I ran a fever last night, so I'm going to have to skip our granddaughter's birthday party. I don't want to share this with anyone. It's MINE! Mine I tell you! I know others have been free in sharing their CC, but I'm going to keep it all to myself
< Blarf blarffff snunnnggg blarf.
We're fogged in. I hope everyone got some rain last night. Maybe the ice and snow predicted for the remainder of the weekend will miss us

I'm not going to be able to walk the Camino this summer due to conflicting dates (ordination and end of school), so I'm consoling myself with a new project. Kass is going to let me adopt a NN cockerel who carries the scaleless gene. I've ordered some NN eggs from a breeder who has crossed NN with Marans, and she has two generations laying dark, dark brown eggs. I've also ordered some NN eggs for a breeder who has jubilee NN and mottled NN. The possibilities, ohhhh the possibilities.

This creeping crud has finally knocked me out. I ran a fever last night, so I'm going to have to skip our granddaughter's birthday party. I don't want to share this with anyone. It's MINE! Mine I tell you! I know others have been free in sharing their CC, but I'm going to keep it all to myself
< Blarf blarffff snunnnggg blarf.

Good to hear you are getting over it! Remember the girl you gave me,Collette?? She has worked her way up the order of things and is Galahads main girl! Talk about the odd couple

For those experiencing trouble with respiratory distress (in the birds), you might consider getting a bag of medicated pig starter. This is a small pellet, and is medicated very well to prevent respiratory problems in piglets. You can get this feed in several forms and medications, chlortetracycline, Tylan (Tylosin), Gallymiacin, Denegard and others. I have used this and find it very easy to keep them on the feed for two weeks this will also boost the other birds nearby to prevent them from getting the problems as well.
You can also use the pig feed with, fenbatazole, wormer in it for the birds, that will get all worms including tape worms. Just remember when worming you have to follow up and worm them again in 7-10 days. For best results hit them three times.
@Poco Pollo. I was just thinking about you! I'd love to see a pic of the Saipan chicks. Mottled NN?! My birthday is May 14. Just throwing that out there! LOL. I can share my mottled javas if needed for the project.
Good to hear you are getting over it! Remember the girl you gave me,Collette?? She has worked her way up the order of things and is Galahads main girl! Talk about the odd couple

Collette as top hen: I am impressed. I hope she remains goodnatured and does not let her position go to her attitude. Is she still laying well for you?
@Poco Pollo . I was just thinking about you! I'd love to see a pic of the Saipan chicks. Mottled NN?! My birthday is May 14. Just throwing that out there! LOL. I can share my mottled javas if needed for the project.

I need to take some pictures of the Saipan chicks. They are growing well. The first three are in the big brooder by the barn with the capon clinic cockerels. The new batch is in a smaller brooder with some RIR packing peanut cockerels.

The mottled NN will be hatching around March 30th, so May birthday-present babies are a distinct possibility. I hope I can sex the little guys. NN fool me too often.

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