***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Actually, I don't think it's ineffective when it gets wet. For a garden you have to put it back down after a rain, because it either washes away or washes into the soil, since it's so fine. DE is diatomaceous earth, which is filled with crushed diatoms. Diatoms are mostly unicelluar plankton with shells made out of silica (basically glass). Food-grade diatomaceous earth is ground fine enough that it should have no impact on the digestive system of animals (and people), but it's deadly when it gets inside the microscopic workings of insects. Getting silica wet won't dissolve it and shouldn't alter its structure in any way.
i would think when it gets wet it makes like a clay- because i was just spring cleaning the coop and where i had put it and they spilled water, it was pretty hard to get up...

Instead of how many licks does it take to get to the center of the tootsie pop, it is how many chick pics does it take to get ksane to set eggs, lets see one, two, three ................................. three pics is what it takes. lol lol lol
Reading up on DE, can you add it to fermented feed? As a fly preventative? I am looking at ways to decrease the hoards of flies

I don't think so, Robin. It's ineffective once it gets wet. That's why I really don't think it can possibly work on worms either.
I couldn't stand it and set Malay eggs, at least 4 out of 6 are growing for sure.


Instead of how many licks does it take to get to the center of the tootsie pop, it is how many chick pics does it take to get ksane to set eggs, lets see one, two, three ................................. three pics is what it takes.  lol lol lol

And this puts a ton more pressure on me to get the hang of caponizing, too :-D I'm up a crek if I can't get the hang of it.
There are several of us that go, I will try and post what I am wearing that day so you can keep an eye out for us.
Way to go! I wanted to go to the casino tomorrow, but I believe husband wants me to go to a work party...Yuk. But he has had to do several so me, so I guess I will lol
I think I will be wearing my Blue shirt from last POOPS. Probably with a turtle neck under it. It is supposed to get a bit colder tomorrow. Bring some waterers I built to see how they sell. Going to call Braums Farm and see about buckets, I need to build a bunch of feeders for the breeding pens.

I will be taking BB Rosecomb, Black Rosecomb, Blue Rosecomb
OE, Opal, Birchen Silver Blue Lemon Blue and Columbian.

It is being held at the county fairgrounds in Norman, so its a nice short drive.
Oh Heck Yeah!!! You know I will be there.. Carl do you know if any LF cochin breeders will be there???

Did I read that there is a Auction this weekend. Needing me some more of those tick and flea eaters.
Newcastle----- Be there or be without chickens! hehehe!

I have been enjoying my vacation so far; working hard on my pens and yard.

I was thinking about all my projects and have decided that there is a fine line between trashy and charming and that I don't always make it across. Good thing my chickens aren't style mavens.
I hear you! I often times chose functionality over aesthetics. The chickens and turkeys seem to approve.. I think ?!?!

Actually, I don't think it's ineffective when it gets wet. For a garden you have to put it back down after a rain, because it either washes away or washes into the soil, since it's so fine. DE is diatomaceous earth, which is filled with crushed diatoms. Diatoms are mostly unicelluar plankton with shells made out of silica (basically glass). Food-grade diatomaceous earth is ground fine enough that it should have no impact on the digestive system of animals (and people), but it's deadly when it gets inside the microscopic workings of insects. Getting silica wet won't dissolve it and shouldn't alter its structure in any way.
I have been using DE and crushed red pepper for wormer and my birds seem to be worm free. I alternate what I give them to keep them healthy. Both have their pluses and minuses.

Instead of how many licks does it take to get to the center of the tootsie pop, it is how many chick pics does it take to get ksane to set eggs, lets see one, two, three ................................. three pics is what it takes. lol lol lol
And this puts a ton more pressure on me to get the hang of caponizing, too :-D I'm up a crek if I can't get the hang of it.

You will, it really isn't to hard once you see and allow yourself time. Don't over pressure yourself w/ worry about losses. That is one of the great things I think about Coral having the birds there, they are "strangers" so you aren't as emotionally involved w/ the bird itself, I think that will make it much much easier to get a few successes under your belt.
Hello fellow Okies, long hard winter, but as first time chicken owners the chickens all survived! Last September I bought four ameraucanas! they all turned out to be Roos and am looking for some pullets or sexed chicks. If anyone can point me in the right direction of ameraucana chicken breeders around the tulsa area I would be greatful! thanks !!

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