***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Would anyone be needing rabbits? I have minilops and jersey woolies and can bring them to the Newcastle auction. I'm interested in selling or trading for chicken stuff my new obsession lol
Would anyone be needing rabbits? I have minilops and jersey woolies and can bring them to the Newcastle auction. I'm interested in selling or trading for chicken stuff my new obsession lol

you can sell them a the auction. get their about noonish or maybe earlier. people buy them rabbits too.
Reading up on DE, can you add it to fermented feed? As a fly preventative? I am looking at ways to decrease the hoards of flies
I did a lot of research on DE as a wormer and by what I can find scientificlly is that it does not work as a wormer. When It get wet it isn't effective because it becomes clay like and the little shards won't work. There is so much controversy that It's up in the air unless you ask a vet who will say no. But to get rid of the flys just put dry DE all over, esp, on something they want to eat and it will help a lot. Everytime it rains just add more. Or u could buy muscoveys, who love flys/ Anyway, I lost my Buffy hen. She was one of my originals that I got while I was waiting for my chicks I ordered to get old enough. She will be missed, She's my best brooder and except this last hatch she has always had 100%. hatch rate. This last tiem she hatched 8 of 9 and the 9thth just was in one of the small pullet eggs and couldn't get turned. Anyway. it's a little dog down the road. I am so beat right now, that I'll explain later. I got some pics for u, but the color isn't the best. It took me forever just to figure out how to zoom. It feels horrible to be so stupid and ignorant. Now I'm going to try to get them on here. I tried to get different views and especially their little fluffy butts. They didn't want to stan in one place to long and of course the best place had to be the compost pile. Well. here goes.

Went to set up the lock down and found I have at least two pips, It's to early!!!!!!

Mine always pip on Day 19 and hatch on Day 20 in my Brinsea. What day are yours on?
I do have 2 girls hunched up on eggs sharing duties in the Bantam Ameraucana pen. I figued I,d let them hatch them since they can take care of them.
My boys have been on Vit K water all day and are separated and food taken up. NOT happy boys, I'm sure. I'm so excited about the Caponizing Class Sunday. I've even bitten all my fingernails off and I'd been doing so good for so long. Can't wait!!
I did a lot of research on DE as a wormer and by what I can find scientificlly is that it does not work as a wormer. When It get wet it isn't effective because it becomes clay like and the little shards won't work. There is so much controversy that It's up in the air unless you ask a vet who will say no. But to get rid of the flys just put dry DE all over, esp, on something they want to eat and it will help a lot. Everytime it rains just add more. Or u could buy muscoveys, who love flys/ Anyway, I lost my Buffy hen. She was one of my originals that I got while I was waiting for my chicks I ordered to get old enough. She will be missed, She's my best brooder and except this last hatch she has always had 100%. hatch rate. This last tiem she hatched 8 of 9 and the 9thth just was in one of the small pullet eggs and couldn't get turned. Anyway. it's a little dog down the road. I am so beat right now, that I'll explain later. I got some pics for u, but the color isn't the best. It took me forever just to figure out how to zoom. It feels horrible to be so stupid and ignorant. Now I'm going to try to get them on here. I tried to get different views and especially their little fluffy butts. They didn't want to stan in one place to long and of course the best place had to be the compost pile. Well. here goes.
Do you know if Musoveys are the only ducks that like flies? we have a lot of flies in the spring/summer because of the pigs. I would like some call ducks do they like flies if they didn't i might be able to to talk my DH in to letting me get some lol

sorry for you lose also.
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