***OKIES in the BYC III ***

A friend of mine was at the Coweta Auction last night selling birds, she said they did not get to her birds until 2am and they still had lots of birds to go....OMG, is it always like that or did they just have a larger auctioin then usual. That is a long time to sit around waiting to bid on some birds, guess it depends on how bad you want them.

February and March are typically the two largest ones. My hubby got home around 5 AM from this one. They announced that they are trying to swing a change to starting Saturday at 3 PM because of how large the auction is becoming. Boo for losing a Saturday, but yay for no more waiting until 4:30 AM to be done with the auction! They said to watch their FB page, Crozier Auctions, and they will announce the change there if it materializes.
February and March are typically the two largest ones. My hubby got home around 5 AM from this one. They announced that they are trying to swing a change to starting Saturday at 3 PM because of how large the auction is becoming. Boo for losing a Saturday, but yay for no more waiting until 4:30 AM to be done with the auction! They said to watch their FB page, Crozier Auctions, and they will announce the change there if it materializes.
I wonder why they didn't have it on a Saturday when they could start much earlier. Like you said boo for giving up a weekend day, but that way it wouldn't be as bad instead of staying up until the wee hours of the morning.
February and March are typically the two largest ones.  My hubby got home around 5 AM from this one.  They announced that they are trying to swing a change to starting Saturday at 3 PM because of how large the auction is becoming.  Boo for losing a Saturday, but yay for no more waiting until 4:30 AM to be done with the auction!  They said to watch their FB page, Crozier Auctions, and they will announce the change there if it materializes.

They could save a lot of time by not auctioning off somebody's garbage pile castoffs. Half that stuff wasn't even poultry related.
Wow, it is really raining! We worked outside today while it was overcast. The hawk did not return today because we were around the pens. We got the potatoes planted and dug most of the Jeruselem artichokes...so far two 5 gallon buckets! We gave all the pens the rye grass and some of the hen it. Also lots of grub worms were inspiration for some bug races.
We came in for a break at 4pm and Red acted scared...he knew the rain was coming. Wish we had a rain gauge out.
Well, just lost my BR, Barbara, dang, i knew it was coming, as her comb was hinting getting darker and darker- sigh.. i hate losing them
I'm so sorry :-( maybe a lot of yours are just getting to that age when we lose them. It seems like age 3-4 is all we get if we're lucky.
Came home from the auction to good and bad... The bad is that the little white Polish baby escaped its tub and got into a tub with older chickies. They killed her, poor girl. Maybe I'll just accept that Polish aren't for me right now. The good? I put seven eggs in lockdown, four of my Buff Brahma Bantams, two Splash Marans/EE mixes and a Blue Langshan/EE mix. ALL FOUR of my Brahmas were fluffed and healthy and waiting for me! One of the Marans mixes was fluffy and peppy too! The other two were shrinkwrapped and I assisted hatch, and they're still in that zone where they may or may not make it. Pictures!
Mitzi, did you say BLUE?!
Blue is awesome! That one may end up a Splash which'd be cool. I saw the Splash Langshans at the auction last night, so gorgeous.
Is't this one of the cutest faces....One of my silkies that my friend Jeansrie hatched out for me...just adorable. :love
OMG it's a hoot lol Love that hat :-D
@Nanakat I want to be you when I grow up.
I'm too old to grow up but I'd sure like to come back as Nana. The energy amazes me.
@artsyrobin and @greenbeetle
Can we say SERAMA CAGES? Haha! I use that plastic grating (lighting panels) in my cages for floors because it's easy on their feet and the poop falls right through the little squares. It'd be so easy to make a floor of the plastic grating using the wooden dowels like in the picture. Make the floor about 3" off the bottom and slide a tray of some sort under there with paper in it to catch poop and spilled food. I line trays with paper feed sacks. Take the string out and cut down both sides and it gives you 6 thick tray liners just the right size for an 18" x 30" cage tray.
Here's the website where she made this one:


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