***OKIES in the BYC III ***

@artsyrobin and @greenbeetle
Can we say SERAMA CAGES? Haha! I use that plastic grating (lighting panels) in my cages for floors because it's easy on their feet and the poop falls right through the little squares. It'd be so easy to make a floor of the plastic grating using the wooden dowels like in the picture. Make the floor about 3" off the bottom and slide a tray of some sort under there with paper in it to catch poop and spilled food. I line trays with paper feed sacks. Take the string out and cut down both sides and it gives you 6 thick tray liners just the right size for an 18" x 30" cage tray.
Here's the website where she made this one:

Great idea, I need to check this out.. sounds and looks perfect for Serama's
Hi Guys and Gals!
I'm a total lurker and I've been following this board for a while now but never much to say. A friend of mine wants to add some silkies to her flock but I cannot, for the life of me, find the name and number of the woman we got ours from in Mustang I think she had naked necks too. If anyone has any ideas, or if you know of anyone who will be selling Silkie chicks sometime soon, will you let me know?
Went to the Coweta Auction and met Mitzi/Ksane and her husband Scott, very nice people. Got my Serama's that Mitzi got from June, and absolutely love them, they seem so sweet, and I am sure the more I handle them the sweeter they will be. That was my first Poultry Auction, and it was crazy there, so many people, and birds..etc. Couldn't even here the auctioneer at all. Seen lots of birds I would love to have, but glad I left after I got my birds from Mitzi.
I think we need a sign or something at the Coweta auction. Maryjo and I were there and were sitting by Rhina and Lonney and I did not even know it. Sorry!
Think I just got so excited about all the cool birds

updated pic on Sonny and the girls in the tractor, the girls went upstairs to roost and poor Sonny was frantic looking for them, so picked him up and put him in the side - poor guy... he is so darn big!

Very nice are the orpingtons?

Just got home from the Coweta Auction- no I didn't stay to the end LOL it will probably run until 2-3 AM. They weren't even done with eggs yet at 9:10 PM.... there were A LOT of birds there!!!! But little ones needed to get to bed- and my pocketbook couldn't take any more after the eggs! I neglected to bribe someone to hold my hubby's hand down....
But I did bring him home with me when the eggs were done this time!

I saw Dusti, Coral, and Kelly sitting in the center across the room. Kelly, my Hannah was so cute as we were leaving, "Wait I have to say goodbye to my new friend!" and off she ran. She and your granddaughter hit it off pretty well, they played rock paper scissors, thumb war, and some clapping song game that I didn't know. And I visited for just a brief minute with MJ before I had to bow out with my sleepy kids.

Off to set my 50 million eggs... not really but it feels like it....
You all got some very nice eggs to hatch!!! Sorry I did not know it was you!!

I stayed until the end of the auction because there were some birds I thought I "might" want, and I needed to wait for my cage to be emptied. Got a neat little cage for two dollars. It needs a few spots straightened, and maybe a little bit of paint, but when that's done I'll have a presentable and usable little cage.

I brought home eight American Bresse juveniles, over fourteen Basque hen juveniles, and some EE juveniles. Oh yeah, and six Basque eggs. I'm envisioning and amazing cross between NN and Breese. The Basque are just too beautiful to pass up. I don't know that many people at the auction saw them, or maybe they didn't know what they were seeing. I'll post some pictures later.

One of the Bresse has cocci symptoms. All the birds I brought home are in isolation and have begun a five-day regimen of Corrid. The one sick cockerel is all by himself. He's not happy. I'll put some toys in with him today.

I think it was five when I got home. DH staggered out into the kitchen to confirm that we didn't have a burglar emptying the dish washer.
He was back in bed, asleep, before I had the last dish in place.
Wow!!! That was a marathon auction if I ever saw one!!! MaryJo and I are already making plans for next auction.. Think I need to take some turkey eggs. The prices were crazy high on hatching eggs..

Well, just lost my BR, Barbara, dang, i knew it was coming, as her comb was hinting getting darker and darker- sigh.. i hate losing them

Sorry to hear about your baby!

Is't this one of the cutest faces....One of my silkies that my friend Jeansrie hatched out for me...just adorable.

OMG! What a cutie!!!

They could save a lot of time by not auctioning off somebody's garbage pile castoffs. Half that stuff wasn't even poultry related.
X 3

What are the best breeds for laying hens for Central OK? I'd really like some that lay in the winter some too. What about roosters? Is there a particular breed that does better in Central OK?
So that is kind of an opened question and be aware we all have our favorites. I really like the ameraucanas. They lay a green, blue or pink eggs and tend to be pretty hardy birds. I like their beards and grey colored legs, as well. The also have small combs so you do not have to worry about frost bite as much. My hens lay most of the year and if I provided a light they would probably lay all year. They tend to be not too aggressive birds but I have met some that were only good for freezer camp because of their behavior.
RIR are also good layers but just not fancy enough for me. Of course all this is subjective... :)

Hi Guys and Gals!
I'm a total lurker and I've been following this board for a while now but never much to say. A friend of mine wants to add some silkies to her flock but I cannot, for the life of me, find the name and number of the woman we got ours from in Mustang I think she had naked necks too. If anyone has any ideas, or if you know of anyone who will be selling Silkie chicks sometime soon, will you let me know?
I think you are talking about Carla and Gerald but I am not sure they even have birds anymore. Have not heard from them in a year at least. There were a bunch of silkies at Coweta. Although I know that does not help.
This splash girl is one of my shrinkwrapped babies. I've seen spraddleleg and had one chick with curlytoe, but I'm not sure if this is curlytoe or something else. I've poly-vi-sold her. Does this look like curlytoe to you guys? Or something else?

Kyz, it's curled toes. A couple of my Silkies had toes like that. I cut the sticky end of a bandaid off and stuck it to the bottom of the foot facing up. Then I cut the other sticky end of the bandaid off, spread the toes straight and put it face down on the top of the foot so the 2 pieces of tape stick together and the toes are held in position between them. You probably already know how to do it but it might help someone else.
Kyz, it's curled toes. A couple of my Silkies had toes like that. I cut the sticky end of a bandaid off and stuck it to the bottom of the foot facing up. Then I cut the other sticky end of the bandaid off, spread the toes straight and put it face down on the top of the foot so the 2 pieces of tape stick together and the toes are held in position between them. You probably already know how to do it but it might help someone else.

Everybody does it differently. That sounds a lot easier than the last method I used.

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