***OKIES in the BYC III ***

is this female or male. rouen

Does it quack or have a raspy voice?
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It's still hit or miss with posting here. I guess I'm going to have to change browsers.

Nana, hope your BIL is recovering well. What a blessing that you worked up their sand plums! I don't know how you get half the work done that you do without taking on jobs for others!

Wanted to tell all of you about my little "door monitor". One of the black silkie chicks hatched in late May has apparently taken this chore on. This is out of the group I brought most of to POOPS. The mama would not accept the others, so I put her back with her little flock and merged the two groups in the secure coop and fairly secure pen. I put them up int he roomy coop each night because they are still small enough snakes could eat them. They've developed past the "awkward," ugly stage, and are now developing beautifully.

Every night, one little black chicks is the last one in the house. It's not being chased, nor is it avoiding going in; it is one of the first to get to the door, but steps back and waits for EVERYONE else to go in, then goes in willingly. It doesn't push; just steps back and waits and it is really cute! It looks like a pullet, with a very full crest, but when I pick it up, it sounds like a cockerel. I'm eager to find out which, but will keep this one in any case. I've not seen one so young take on a "duty", and I really like this temperament.
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It's still hit or miss with posting here.  I guess I'm going to have to change browsers.

Nana, hope your BIL is recovering well.  What a blessing that you worked up their sand plums!  I don't know how you get half the work done that you do without taking on jobs for others!

Wanted to tell all of you about my little "door monitor".    One of the black silkie chicks hatched in late May has apparently taken this chore on.  This is out of the group I brought most of to POOPS.  The mama would not accept the others, so I put her back with her little flock and merged the two groups in the secure coop and fairly secure pen.  I put them up int he roomy coop each night because they are still small enough snakes could eat them.  They've developed past the "awkward," ugly stage, and are now developing beautifully.

Every night, one little black chicks is the last one in the house.  It's not being chased, nor is it avoiding going in; it is one of the first to get to the door, but steps back and waits for EVERYONE else to go in, then goes in willingly.  It doesn't push; just steps back and waits and it is really cute!  It looks like a pullet, with a very full crest, but when I pick it up, it sounds like a cockerel.  I'm eager to find out which, but will keep this one in any case.  I've not seen one so young take on a "duty", and I really like this temperament.
did you see that I had a 10 week old silkie mating a pullet...well, trying to anyway...not successfully.
I am getting crazy amounts for cucumbers and tomatoes. I also have about 10 basil plants. I am glad my birds like "italian". Most of my tomatoes are small varieties. I have a Sungold and a Gold Sugar plant the both produce orange cherry-sized fruit. I can't really tell them apart but the fruit is sooooo sweet. WSeveral plants of the Red Current variety came up volunteer and they are just beginning to produce. The fruit is so small; averaging about the size of the tip your pinky finger. It takes forever to pick the Red Currents but they are fun and it is hilarious to toss a handful into a pen and watch birds chase them, enough for everybody, no need to fight.
One of my cuke plants is growing on the East side of my big chicken pen. It is vining over the top of the cover that is 6' up. I had to tie the vines to the chicken wire when the started to produce. The huge cukes were making them fall off the wire. I keep a pair of kitchen scissors down by the pens and go from pen to pen chopping off cuke pieces for every bird. I am very popular this Summer.
Sad couple of days for my family. Our beloved Bock Bock passed away. She was our beautiful blue Cochin that we got at the auction a long time ago. Her face is my thumbnail picture under my TRUE5. Poor girl. She never got over being croupy. She sounded much better but then this last rain made her super congested. Her comb got super pale then we found her passed away in the coop. I think she passed in her sleep. She was our much loved pet and we can tell her absence in our yard. I hate that we got so attached and loved that big girl so much. RIP Bock Bock.
Sad couple of days for my family. Our beloved Bock Bock passed away. She was our beautiful blue Cochin that we got at the auction a long time ago. Her face is my thumbnail picture under my TRUE5. Poor girl. She never got over being croupy. She sounded much better but then this last rain made her super congested. Her comb got super pale then we found her passed away in the coop. I think she passed in her sleep. She was our much loved pet and we can tell her absence in our yard. I hate that we got so attached and loved that big girl so much. RIP Bock Bock.
Hugs hun! i am so sorry!
Awe, so sorry Cheryl!

I have some fun news today, the guinea eggs I bought at POOPS are done hatching I think. I set 24, 14 developed, 11 went into lockdown, I have 5 babies so far. Friday was the hatch day but I'm not ready to give up on the others until tomorrow. One baby got shrink wrapped and died because I was late getting water into the incubator. :( It was all white.

So can guinea folk tell me what colors I have? I know the marks on top of the head mean something. I think the dark one with the wide stripe is a standard pearl. The one with the broken head stripes I'm thinking royal purple? The single tone light one I'm thinking coral blue and the two with a hint of brown in them maybe buff?

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Sad couple of days for my family. Our beloved Bock Bock passed away. She was our beautiful blue Cochin that we got at the auction a long time ago. Her face is my thumbnail picture under my TRUE5. Poor girl. She never got over being croupy. She sounded much better but then this last rain made her super congested. Her comb got super pale then we found her passed away in the coop. I think she passed in her sleep. She was our much loved pet and we can tell her absence in our yard. I hate that we got so attached and loved that big girl so much. RIP Bock Bock.

Oh no, not Bock Bock! Oh, I'm so sorry! I know your family loved and adored her dearly. Big hugs hon, and my deepest condolences for the loss of a dear, dear friend and family member.

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