***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I have some questions on my EEs. I'll take pics tomorrow but I am wondering if my EEs are bantams? They're all the same age but 2 are way bigger than the other 3. Also, 2 of them have Japanese bantam type wing and tail feathers. And I'm having a difficult time sexing them. I was certain they were all roos but the more I read the more unsure I become. And I'm dying to see the eggs! Ahhh I can't take this kind of anticipation!! Patience is a virtue I just don't have.. :)
Sad couple of days for my family. Our beloved Bock Bock passed away. She was our beautiful blue Cochin that we got at the auction a long time ago. Her face is my thumbnail picture under my TRUE5. Poor girl. She never got over being croupy. She sounded much better but then this last rain made her super congested. Her comb got super pale then we found her passed away in the coop. I think she passed in her sleep. She was our much loved pet and we can tell her absence in our yard. I hate that we got so attached and loved that big girl so much. RIP Bock Bock.
so sorry
Sad couple of days for my family. Our beloved Bock Bock passed away. She was our beautiful blue Cochin that we got at the auction a long time ago. Her face is my thumbnail picture under my TRUE5. Poor girl. She never got over being croupy. She sounded much better but then this last rain made her super congested. Her comb got super pale then we found her passed away in the coop. I think she passed in her sleep. She was our much loved pet and we can tell her absence in our yard. I hate that we got so attached and loved that big girl so much. RIP Bock Bock.

Oh no, not Bock Bock! Oh, I'm so sorry! I know your family loved and adored her dearly. Big hugs hon, and my deepest condolences for the loss of a dear, dear friend and family member.

X2. Cochins just steal your heart.


Our newest additions. Hope the pics tag along. rescued from DWs friend who couldn't take care of them. And already received 1 egg!
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I agree with the others on the guinea colors. Solid stripes on the head means fully dotted and barred (pearl gray or lavender in your case); swirly or broken stripes means partially dotted (royal purple and coral blue);thus one pearl gray, one royal purple and three coral blue.



I know these aren't the best pictures but its all I could get for now. These are a few of my EEs that I am wondering about. Can you tell what they are, boy or girl?! The first 2 pics is the same chicken. The second two pics are also the same chicken. The one with 4 pics is a mix of them.
@TRUE5 so sorry for your loss. It's gonna be a hard time here when our favorite passes. They bring us so much happiness.

@MrsDickey I see at least 1 pullet, there are probably more but it's hard for me to see well on my phone.

Guineas are good for ticks right? Will they keep ticks off the dog? We went out to the land we are in the process of buying, harvested a couple pounds of blackberries (seller got 500lbs off the bushes last year) and came back with a tick. I know it's inevitable but want to know what I can do to keep them under control. Also I know there are chiggers out there and chiggers are deadly for chickens right? Will keeping the grass down in the chicken areas keep chiggers away? The spot I'm looking at is always mowed so there should be no chiggers there right?
@TRUE5 so sorry for your loss. It's gonna be a hard time here when our favorite passes. They bring us so much happiness.

@MrsDickey I see at least 1 pullet, there are probably more but it's hard for me to see well on my phone.

Guineas are good for ticks right? Will they keep ticks off the dog? We went out to the land we are in the process of buying, harvested a couple pounds of blackberries (seller got 500lbs off the bushes last year) and came back with a tick. I know it's inevitable but want to know what I can do to keep them under control. Also I know there are chiggers out there and chiggers are deadly for chickens right? Will keeping the grass down in the chicken areas keep chiggers away? The spot I'm looking at is always mowed so there should be no chiggers there right?

Guineas are good for all bugs and snakes, little one they'll eat big ones they'll circle it and alert you to come kill it. They won't keep ticks off dogs but cut down the numbers around your house overall. As far as chiggers go, I don't think they'll kill a chicken? My chicks free range and we have chiggers like crazy. Mowing the grass and keeping it short will help with chiggers but won't eliminate them.
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I know these aren't the best pictures but its all I could get for now. These are a few of my EEs that I am wondering about. Can you tell what they are, boy or girl?! The first 2 pics is the same chicken. The second two pics are also the same chicken. The one with 4 pics is a mix of them.
The pics are hard to see, but the middle set looks for sure to be a girl, can't see clearly enough on the others, but have a high index of suspicion on the first one for being a boy, but really can't tell for sure.

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