***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Poco Polo...a raccoon can really do a number on a live trap. They can rip welded wires apart. There was a video on Facebook a while back of a male raccoon working on lifting a garage door for several hours in order to get inside and he succeeded! When we suspect a coon, we set the live trap and then surround it with snap traps on chains as an extra insurance the bugger will get caught and dispatched.
Last night our tiny baby Seramas and a few of the smaller Bantams got a new brooder. I shaved out the bottom water channels leaving the big rectangle in the center in my old Little Giant incubator. I lined it with paper towels and set the temp for about 95+/- degrees. They are much more comfortable in their own brooder without the large fowl chicks running over the top of them and their food and water.
Tried to post a photo and couldn't get it to load...
Hello. I am new to chicken raising, so am I ever glad to find you guys! I recently purchased 7 chicks from Rinda in Coweta (2 female Orloffs died within a day, sob) and have more coming from Meyer in Ohio. I purchased an assortment of rare pullets, so I look forward to the surprise package! Once the chicks get a little older, I will probably be interested in narrowing the flock to a more manageable number. If anyone is interested in increasing genetic variability in their flock, the Meyer girls would be a good opportunity. I also have two roos from Rinda, a cream Legbar x Leghorn and a beautiful Orloff if anyone would like to take them off my hands. I would love to keep them, but I don't think my neighbors will tolerate the boys crowing. Not interested in money so much as a good home for my boys and girls.

Awe, sorry to hear about your orloffs you lost! If you come my way again I would be glad to replace them.

Straight run is tough sometimes, isn't it?!

Last night our tiny baby Seramas and a few of the smaller Bantams got a new brooder. I shaved out the bottom water channels leaving the big rectangle in the center in my old Little Giant incubator. I lined it with paper towels and set the temp for about 95+/- degrees. They are much more comfortable in their own brooder without the large fowl chicks running over the top of them and their food and water.
Tried to post a photo and couldn't get it to load...

That's a fantastic idea! Good job!
Dang, I Got the number wrong, too :-D
Bev, I've raised chickens from tiny babies and (contrary to public belief) placed them before. I've wished so badly I could get them back and wasn't able to. You raised these girls from tinies, they'll always be *your girls. So you are more than welcome to a 2nd chance with them now that circumstances have changed. Just the same price, no more no less is fair. We can meet at the same Love's spot at the north Guthrie exit when the weather is better.

I will happily take you up on that, and thank you! I've regretted letting them go, but would never go back on a deal or break my word.
Just let me know when the time is right and we'll make it happen!

It looks like we will not be able to make the transport hookup, between YardBridMom and I.

Truly sorry we couldn't make it happen. You're just a bit too far of a drive, for me, at this time. I do hope you find owners for the eggs!

Hello.  I am new to chicken raising, so am I ever glad to find you guys! 

Hello and welcome to BYC!
Friday is supposed to be nice, how about noon at the same Love's? I know you wouldn't go back on your word :) But you raised them and have that bond with them I'll never have. It's all good.
Poco Polo...a raccoon can really do a number on a live trap. They can rip welded wires apart. There was a video on Facebook a while back of a male raccoon working on lifting a garage door for several hours in order to get inside and he succeeded! When we suspect a coon, we set the live trap and then surround it with snap traps on chains as an extra insurance the bugger will get caught and dispatched.

Wow! I had no idea raccoons were so strong. I will replace the bottom of the trap, and next time I set it, I will put it on plywood or tin and sandwich it among some cinder blocks. I see raccoons on the road all the time, but it's been a year since I've seen one up near the chicken pens. I have a couple of snap traps for coyote. Is a raccoon heavy enough to set one off?
If you or your family are uncomfortable raising your own chickens for food, don't let anyone make you feel bad about the descision. There is absolutely nothing wrong w/ that. I know I'm a few days late, but haven't been on byc in a little bit.
Quote: Yes, a raccoon is heavy enough to set off a snap trap and as it moves around, can also set off a second. We have even caught a marauding owl in a snap trap as it landed to check out the inside of an outdoor coop protected by a wire front.

Kassaundra...good to see you back on this week! Did you get the Superman hat finished for your nephew?

A shout out to Okla-Doodle-Doo! He sent me a PM last week and said he had been out with health and family problems. While he sold all his birds and critters, he is now in a better position to begin getting a few more. Should be seeing more of him now.

DGibson...sure hope your tests went well and that Johnnie's were good too. You both are in our prayers.

Getting ready to run to town for chicken feed...filled all of the feeders inside and gave the daily portions to the outdoor pens. We have eggs in the hatcher due on the 19/20th and eggs in the incubator that have been candled or not ready to candle....Little Joe is getting to be a huge calf. He is now 8 weeks old and goes thru two bottles at each feeding...and then loves his daily brushing. Hubby teases I'm supposed to lick him like his momma would...
. We converted one of my outdoor coops into a loafing shed for him. He loves to be outside on these beautiful days and runs and bucks around the pen. I need to start my tomatoes and peppers in pots this week, but taxes are calling too. Our tax rep sent insturctions to her clients that with all the reg changes for this year, to get the prep files to her before March 20 in order to not have to file an extension. Hope everyone has a lovely day.
fantastic news! Hope to see him more, he's had a hard time

so, what are the symptoms of cocci in adults??

Weightloss, reduced egglaying, listlessness, rusty poop. Mostly you could see an inability to gain weight, no matter how well you feed them.

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