***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Friday is supposed to be nice, how about noon at the same Love's? I know you wouldn't go back on your word :) But you raised them and have that bond with them I'll never have. It's all good.
Friday I'll be headed in the opposite direction. How is Saturday, same time, for you?
i have a faverolle, seems to fit the symptoms, but she apparently also has a sour crop on top of it- she lost her roo last week, so i thought at first that may be it, but she has chronic weight issues- and is dropping feathers
Explain the "sour crop" symptoms please. @Kyzmette how do you treat a bird with cocci? Are they less susceptible to it I'd feed medicated feed as little ones?
@YardBirdMom , Saturday at noon is fine.
@artsyrobin , that Fav does look like coccidia bird. It seems to me the ones that get coccidia as youngsters just don't ever really recover and die sooner than ones who never got it.
, Saturday at noon is fine.

Thanks! I'll see you then!
@YardBirdMom , Saturday at noon is fine.
@artsyrobin , that Fav does look like coccidia bird. It seems to me the ones that get coccidia as youngsters just don't ever really recover and die sooner than ones who never got it.

well, have her on corid, hopefully that will do it- i think she may have had it awhile and i never connected the dots, thin is the big issue, but the fluffed lethargic look finally clicked
Friday I'll be headed in the opposite direction. How is Saturday, same time, for you?
Explain the "sour crop" symptoms please.

@Kyzmette how do you treat a bird with cocci? Are they less susceptible to it I'd feed medicated feed as little ones?

The medicated feed you give chicks isn't a treatment, more like a precaution, and it won't do any good in a grown chicken with coccidia. The most common treatment is Corid, which you can get at Tractor Supply. If the Corid doesn't work you could have a resistant strain, and Sulmet would probably be your next best bet. A lot of people go straight to Sulmet.
I'm looking for some hatching eggs around Edmond. I'm just getting the incubator started for this year and want to do a test run. Barnyard mix is fine. Will pay or trade hatched chicks when they hatch. Looking for 15-25 eggs. Bantam Cochins ok otherwise I would like LF. Can anyone help or point me in the right direction?

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