***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Boy seeing a lot of flood pics for my Okie friends and familes on Facebook. They just put up flood watches for us here in Tn. But today was just great outside.i still haven t been allowed to venture out to my pigeon lofts yet. Sure miss them.my wife will be headed back toward the Ada area this week,her mother in Allen died Christmas day.it was a tough Christmas for us with me down in the back her dealing with her loss.keep hoping the new year will be better! Feels like the only way is up.
Well we are power down like most i suspect. What trees I had left are breaking. I looked at the radar and it looks like a hurricane with the eye over Dallas. Which means the backside winds are slamming us. Generator is going running the fan on the fireplace so life is good n im blessed. I'll tend to the girls come daylight with some power to keep the water unfrozen.
Wish everyone luck cause this is a strong one.
Boy seeing a lot of flood pics for my Okie friends and familes on Facebook. They just put up flood watches for us here in Tn. But today was just great outside.i still haven t been allowed to venture out to my pigeon lofts yet. Sure miss them.my wife will be headed back toward the Ada area this week,her mother in Allen died Christmas day.it was a tough Christmas for us with me down in the back her dealing with her loss.keep hoping the new year will be better! Feels like the only way is up.
We've been landlocked for a couple of days. Here's a view of the main dirt road that leads to our place, S. 154th St. West, with the photo taken from highway 16 looking south. There's about four feet of water in the pasture on the right, in the road, and in the pasture on the left. Boats only need attempt a crossing at this time.

Boy seeing a lot of flood pics for my Okie friends and familes on Facebook. They just put up flood watches for us here in Tn. But today was just great outside.i still haven t been allowed to venture out to my pigeon lofts yet. Sure miss them.my wife will be headed back toward the Ada area this week,her mother in Allen died Christmas day.it was a tough Christmas for us with me down in the back her dealing with her loss.keep hoping the new year will be better! Feels like the only way is up.

Wayne, so sorry to hear about the loss in your family. With all you have been thru these past few years, 2016 has got to be better. My thoughts and prayers for your family.

This storm has been a struggle for so many here in Okie land and surrounding states.
Looks like Coral needs a boat and Matt will have plenty of firewood for the rest of winter.
Sorry to hear the bad news okla doodle doo. Prayers for you.

Chickens like leftover fried rice and apparently ice storms promote laying. They ate near all the food, drank all the water n layed 7 eggs in 2 days for 5 hens which I ain't seen since summer before the molt.
so sorry hope your next year is better for you and your family.

The flooding has been ridiculous, just in Muskogee city just Sat night there were over 16 water rescues, not to mention all the accidents, some residential areas were flooded to the point fire service was wading people several blocks through their neighborhoods in chest deep water.
Well we are back up on power. Hope it sticks and I hope you all get some relief too. I actually saw the sun at sundown for a few minutes.
Some lessons learned:
I stapled old feed bags to the coop for additional wind block and protection from the ice and sleet. It was a success. Them sacks are tough. My failure was covering the egg door cause it froze solid with wrap around rain even facing southeast.
I had extension cord run to the heated coop waterer. I thought if the power goes down I'll just run the cord to the generator. Yeah doesn't work under 3" of ice cause the cord won't move lol. I did get it done with some effort.
They are calling for snow tomorrow night
We have not used the chain clips on any of our cattle gates because they always freeze up.
The Bantam pen in the garden was iced over and I had to use a shovel to pop the door open to check on the boys. For some reason three of the boys were not going into their little building, but were staying on the roost limbs. It has a metal roof so they were dry. Once I got inside, the ice on the 1/2 X 1 inch wire was actually blocking the wind like an igloo. They were fine.

We were fortunate that we got mostly rain with a 1/2 inch of sleet with a dusting of snow.....5inches total precipitation.
Nothing like what some of you have suffered!
Sure hope everyone is okay and so are your flocks and critters.
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good morning fine Okie people. been looking at the flooding on facebook . boy that is some wicked stuff! lots of records broken. and then there is the ice and freezeing stuff. it takes a lot of determination and deadication to be a farmer in Oklahoma,even if your just raiseing a few poultry for the family. I never tire of reading what all everyone goes thru. and the ingenuity they have to come up with better ideals. I guess that's what the pioneer sprit is all about. anyway God bless all of you and keep up the good work. all those chickens are really worth it. and please be careful and don't fall on the ice and slippery mud.

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